June 7, 2024

VIDEO: Growing and Using Comfrey – Perfect Plant for Permaculture Vegetable Gardening

If there was one plant I would grow more of, it would be comfrey. In this video I tell you how comfrey is grown and also demonstrate how to use comfrey as a liquid feed and a mulch. If you are interested in subscribing to the Permaculture Magazine (which I highly recommend), use the code: HuwsNurseryPM16 at the checkout for a 5% discount: http://huwsnursery.com/pm
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing and Using Comfrey – Perfect Plant for Permaculture Vegetable Gardening

  1. Dear Huw,
    Thank you so much. I love all your videos and have learnt tons during the lockdown! Even started a little veggie patch thanks to you. Could you advise on where to buy comfrey in the uk please?

  2. Been gardening for 65 years and just became aware fo Comfrey’s benefits this year. Lady moved in down the street and has way too much for her liking, so I get it ALL. Just added about five bushels to my newly built compost heap – it’s at least three cubic yards in total. Has hit 160ºF in three days. Start turning it tomorrow! Also found massive pants growing in the ditch adjacent to my property… Green Gold! Love your channel.

  3. I've yet to find anyone discuss how to grow them from seed. Only root cuttings and splitting them. I have a bunch of seeds from the plants and I'd love to learn how to make them work.

  4. Enjoying your videos— thanks for producing them. You say comfrey is good for a permaculture garden, but here it Woodland, WA we just have a few raised beds for veggies— the flowers are pretty much permanently where they are, while the veggies move about from bed to bed. I'm hoping your comfrey advice to use it for teas and mulching also applies to us.

  5. Huw. I have just obtained 5 comfrey roots. Can I put these into 50/50 compost / soil mix now, in October and get them to grow?? I was considering to put them into pots right now. Thank you.

  6. You should try making FPJ with it instead. Mix one third by weight brown sugar, massaging into materials. Place a weight in top to increase osmotic pressure. Fermentation releases nutrients more effectively. Korean natural farming method

  7. I don't know if you're still reading comments to this post or not, but I do have a question. I have read that comfrey can be very invasive and difficult to control once established. I do have one of the plants and I'm not very concerned at this point but I wanted to ask for your thoughts on that. I have also heard that it's good to plant around fruit trees but I'm wondering how far away from the base of the young trees it should be planted.
    I only recently came across your posts and love watching them! My husband ordered your book veg in one bed and gave to me for my birthday and I'm so excited! Oh by the way I live in Northeast Georgia in the US.

  8. I thought that anything that was anaerobic and that smelled bad shouldn't go in the soil
    cause you are breading bad bacteria, I once had a big tub full of weeds left in water for a
    long time and it stunk so I buried it way down in my soil 40cm and then planted my tomatoes,
    that year my soil was full of root not nematodes which killed every plant, so I had to replace
    all my soil

  9. I have since found out there are two types, the plant that mostly stays in place and the plant that spreads. Unfortunately, I planted the spreading type and I can not control it or get rid of it.
    If I had it to do over I would plant it in a container.

  10. Just ran in from the rain having sown my first Comfrey seeds in a raised bed, in a section of wall that has collapsed and between sunflower seeds planted last week. Thanks again Huw

  11. Great video. I've recently sourced some comfrey but I don't know if it's bocking 14. Is there a way to distinguish it from other comfrey varieties apart from its inability to self seed? As i don't want to let it self seed to find out its not and its too late to stop it spreading

  12. Hello from Canada. Can someone give me their thoughts on comfrey use in teas, etc because I’ve read reports coming from the FDA in the US that they are recommending to not use comfrey because it’s a possible carcinogen and could cause liver issues. Please correct my understanding of what the FDA is saying. They would like natural food stores etc to stop using comfrey in supplement formulations as well.

  13. I have watched several videos about comfrey … I never see pest damage. Does anything attack this plant or does it help to deter pests from other plants, similar to the way basil will assist the tomatoe?

  14. Huw: I enjoy all your videos and great information— but as an English teacher I encourage you to write your titles like this:

    Huw's Nursery. (Unless Welsh punctuation is different. . . )

  15. Huw: Not a problem– hope you can see I was trying to help rather than sit on a verge and throw stones as you went by.

    I enjoy your videos and look with envy at your wonderful garden— and helping attitude.

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