September 28, 2024

VIDEO: How to Grow Mini Pineapples From Tops – Extra Tips & NO rooting in Water Required!

Here’s how I grow pineapples the easy way without rooting them in water or extra trimming of the base – just plain and simple method that works every time!
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22 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Mini Pineapples From Tops – Extra Tips & NO rooting in Water Required!

  1. Mark, you reckon I could grow a pineapple, I live up the top of Vic where it’s classed as semi-arid, gets to 40+ degrees in summer and has gotten down to -3 in winter

  2. didn't see anyone else mention it so here goes:
    where I live, you will occasionally find pineapples with the tops cut off or tomatoes without stems.
    here, this has nothing to do with being greedy but rather regulations mandated by the ministry of agriculture on imports. they cut off the tops because leaving the tops on increases the chances of accidentally importing pests…

  3. I got one with a golf ball sized pineapple in a 10oz cup with leaves 3ft the plant is so small the whole things is practically falling over the plant has a sucker or pup growing a second stalk so I picked the fruit. I could plant it in a shot glass hopefully I can get a plant from a fruit from a plant

  4. Pineapples are clonally propagated & perform better on fertile soils, with lots of light, warm to hot temperatures and modest amounts of water. The plants you get by planting tops of commercial fruit are genetically identical to the commercial variety. The reasons the fruit grow smaller in you garden are largely environmental — too much competition for light & soil nutrients from trees, shrubs & grass … in your garden, & lower than optimal growing temperatures for this CAM plant.

  5. I have noticed pineapples being sold with the tops removed recently, and, yes, that's petty, selfish, and ridiculous of the famers to do that. What, like, we little people are going to suddenly grow a pineapple plantation from the tops and take business away from them? Thank you for telling people not to buy those with the tops removed — I agree! I love your honest, no-nonsense, and simplistic approach to gardening. I enjoy all your videos. You do a fab job! Thank you!

  6. Grew a pineapple from a top for some fun. I had it in a really big pot, and filled it with about 50% fresh horse manure (bottom layer), the top half was compost. Got a pineapple off it that was as big as the one i bought from the shop. And it was delicious. I have topped the one i grew, and am growing a 2nd plant from it as we speak. The original plant now has an offshoot growing that should produce a 2nd pineapple for me. But pineapples take ages to grow. Virtually no impact to the farmers

  7. Thank you again I love this video. I just got done watching one where they said be very very very gentle don’t get any dirt above this little piece right here. And here you are in this video and your other video just slamming it into the dirt. I absolutely love it! Thank you again.

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