September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Cold Chills! I Didn't Know THEY are HERE!

You won’t believe it. We didn’t. They are HERE! Follow me on a story that I hope inspires you to dig & claim YOUR roots! Like, Sub & Comment! Ring that bell! xo
Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day! SEE MORE BELOW!

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Books I Love!
~ Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens:
~ The Chicken Health Handbook:
~ Storey’s Guide to Raising Goats:
~ Keeping a Family Cow:
~ Livestock Protection Dogs:
~ The Backyard Guide to Raising Farm Animals:
Items We Use For Success!
~ Magicfly Incubator:
~ Magicfly Egg Candler:
~ Brinsea EcoGlow Brooder:
~ Vetericyn:
~ Vetericyn Pink Eye Spray:
~ Sloggers Chicken Boots:
~ Lodge Loaf Pan:
~ Cast Iron Stainless Steel Scrubber:
~ Kindling Cracker:
~ Germ Fighter by Plant Therapy:
~ Nesting Box Blend:
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Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara
PO Box 287
Spring City, Tn. 37381

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Cold Chills! I Didn't Know THEY are HERE!

  1. I always stop and move turtles to the other side of the road, too. It seems to me that after it has been raining, there are more turtle crossings. Great video. I got choked up thinking about my relatives that have passed. I haven't been watching your channel for long, but I'm so glad I found you. You're an inspiration. Thank you.

  2. Patera, I love your story. Like you, I moved to a new place and then discovered my 2GGs buried in a cemetery only a few miles from my home. It adds a whole new dimension to being Rooted in a place.

  3. We have always been interested in Genealogy and I think it fascinating and necessary to have an anchor in this world and to honor your ancestors. Thank you for sharing your journey!

  4. What a beautiful story! I love knowing my roots. Luckily, I was raised by my grandparents, on both sides, so, I was blessed with a lot of stories about my ancestors and how they lived.

    Shortly after buying our property, my uncle came out to take a look. He told me stories of how our people crossed over the area that we bought in before settling just a little further southeast, closer to Lake Okeechobee. The knowledge immediately made me feel even more "connected" to our land.

  5. I walk down old town St. Charles Mo where there is a sculpture or Daniel Boone. His niece and my ancestor came west with him. The old chiseled stones of this beautiful old town remind me of our connection. Nice video Patera!

  6. Oh how awesome! I used to dig but I hit some insurmountable walls in my family tree. My dads people are from Sullivan county. I'm very happy for you though. God bless y'all!

  7. I've been working on my genealogy for about 10 years. My Dad's family is from Niota, TN, near you in McMinn County. They moved there from North Carolina and Virginia before that. My roots run deep in East Tennessee. I'm joyfully watching your family story unfold. Blessings!

  8. I so got cold chills when you said 5.8 miles! Thanks for sharing! So exciting! I love researching my ancestors too. Haven’t been doing it for a couple years though and this video got me excited to go for it again! Thanks Patara ❤️

  9. I'm so happy you found them.
    I know the feeling.
    I live in East TN.
    In my research,I found my GGGGgrandfather,Robert Mason who came over here in 1775 as an indentured servant on the ship named "The Adventurer" from England.He was a revolutionay war "Patriot". Ancestry and My connected me to many many kinfolk that I knew nothing about. Robert Mason settled in Frakes,Ky and he farmed.
    He wanted to be buried in his root cellar.
    Everytime I go to the Mason cemetery where he is buried,I feel like I am walking on sacred ground.
    His land is still being farmed by his descendants.
    It takes a lot of work and years to find ancestors.

  10. Awww I have always saved turtles I did it so much when my kids were growing up my daughter is a sheriff and she'll stop in her cop car to save a turtle, horse whatever. My son does it too 🙂 Gorgeous gorgeous bridge view of the water the mountains call me too. My husband was from Hiawassee, GA. Now I live at the foot of Shepherds Mountain in NC love love love the mountains!!! And Patara I have Cherokee in me too I know where some of them are and came from but it has been very hard to get information. I'm so fascinated by your journey.

  11. I looked for where my husband’s great grandfather was buried for over 20 years. By chance I found him about 2-5 miles from where my husband lived as a boy and young man.

  12. Oh Patara this speaks to me SOOO much!! I have recently gotten a STROOOONG feeling (because we get those don't we?) that I will be moving back to Western NC. I didn't know where before-nothing fit, but then I realized it needs to be around Robbinsville/Andrews/Murphy, but no further east than Franklin… I too have been doing genealogy for 13 years-trying to find out more about my Cherokee ancestors. And then the other day after I got this strong feeling, I remembered that my 3rd gr. grandfather was documented as being Eastern Band…
    So when you said "They were HERE"…I literally cried…I know that if I move there I'll find them. When I lived in GA I was within an hour of where they lived in 1830…
    It's taken me so long but I AM claiming my roots, and I know that despite being pretty rootless my whole life, my ancestors will lead me home.
    I LOVE this sort of thing. And my husband said "gee she reminds me of you!!" LOL. He sympathizes with your husband in the "It's not genealogy, your just crazy" thing 🙂 Maybe we're cousins. I wish I knew what surnames your researching! And gosh if you EVER want to talk a blue streak about genealogy or genetic genealogy because I fell down the DNA rabbit hole several years ago, hit me up!! I also have ancestors who were in E. TN (same line)…. I got a date AND a place with that strong feeling the other day, and it's given me a huge relief in my anxiety so I know it's real!
    Thank you so much for making this video. <3

  13. So inspiring to see Patara's passion for ancestors. It's just how I've felt about my own for the last 20 years but I haven't had anyone to share it with. Witnessing the same passion in another person is so comforting to me. I'm grateful for this.

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