September 28, 2024

VIDEO: 5 Minute DIY Compost Corral for FREE!

Compost corrals look great, keep compost scraps piled high so they compost faster, contain compost so it doesn’t go everywhere, and helps to hide what some see as an eye sore, especially in an urban lot. This project is free and helps reuse old scrap wood that would have been sent to a landfill or burned, and also helps to reuse lawn clippings and kitchen waste that can be used to feed your garden!
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Minute DIY Compost Corral for FREE!

  1. Looks good. I made a bin compost 'station' a few weeks ago and posted a video. That way I can have compost at different stages. Pallets are handy things and great to repurpose. Thanks for sharing. Oh, how long before the code inspectors come out and call that some sort of banned structure? 🙂

  2. Two weeks ago I used 7 pallets to build two compost bins with swinging doors and I-bolt latches. The temp here today is -4F with 2 feet of snow and the core temp of the piles is steady at 140+ degrees. As a guy who's not very handy making his first attempt at gardening, I'm super excited. THANKS for all the good info.

  3. Anyone have ideas on how to make a hot compost bin using plastic containers? I'm trying to create something thats 3 ft x 3ft x3ft. Unfortunately, I don't think people sell containers that big! I'm currently composting in a plastic trash can, but hoping to up the size

  4. Would you consider using grass clippings from grass that has been treated with fertilizer or dandelion spray? The grass we have available is treated by the grounds service (apartment)

  5. Dude just go on Craigslist and get them free by the dozens from shipping companies etc… they have to pay to recycle them otherwise… Where in MI are you? I am in Dearborn

  6. Nice!!! So easy and simple, and looks great and will keep compost contained nicely. I'm going to look for some pallets and get one of these made soon! Our current compost pile is out in the open….next to a field and also treed area….and sometimes the critters like to mess with my compost. Could you also put a tarp over the entire frame to keep it even more safe from visitors? Or is covering it a bad idea?

  7. My favorite phase he said was “ cheap as humanly possible” that describes me 100% some of my raised beds are made from stacking pallet slats. I also use pallets for my cucumbers at a 45 degree angle and they grow like wild fire

  8. I built a compost coral with scrap pallets that I picked up in a neighbors heavy trash Wednesday pile. I also picked up some cinder blocks, 8 to be exact, and a small roll of chicken wire. I laid one pallet down on top of the cinder blocks and then secured the other three pallets to the bottom and then put the chicken wire down so that all the bigger stuff wouldn’t fall thru the open slats.

    I put every compostable thing in there. From paper towel rolls to egg shells to grass clippings and everything in between. I’m actually going to pull my first composting out and spread it in my indoor raised garden beds before I plant my winter crops next week.

  9. I just want to say thanks for the video. I just put my compost coral together while my husband was at the store. It was easy and did not take long. I will be sharing this information with the Scout troops (girl troop and a boy troop) that we volunteer with so that they can make their own. It will help them to complete their gardening and sustainability merit badges. A local lumber yard donated enough pallets for all the Scouts to use. Both troops will love this project!

  10. As a mail delivery agent (fancy name for letter carrier) a business I deliver to gave me 3 pallets they were going to the dumpster.Actually one was already in. All I had to do was ask.They throw away a pallet that has as little as one broken 3 or 4 inch wide by 1 inch thick by 3 and half foot long piece of wood. It was that easy.

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