June 28, 2024

VIDEO: Permaculture Gardening, Sustainable Food Forest Design

Permaculture gardening means focusing on Design. A Functionally Designed system creates more then it consumes. Gardening with nature and working with its natural cycles allows you to design an ecosystem that works for you!

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CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know! https://youtu.be/2dq2OQsFCjM

5 TIPS FOR BUILDING HEALTHY SOIL: https://youtu.be/7-Tyz7fGeZo

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Permaculture Gardening, Sustainable Food Forest Design

  1. I stopped to get some green tomatoes and eggs from a self-pay roadside stand. There were no eggs and no one answered the door when we rang the bell. They had a great set-up with a goat, tomatoes, a few cattle and chickens. We were parked in the drive for about 20 minutes setting up our eye exams at Barnes Hospital when a young man pulled up… Something wasn't right after talking to him. It appeared that the farm was headed down… and he was about a 100 pounds over weight. How does someone get so unhealthy in that environment?
    So I checked the farm out on Google Earth to see if that would be a good place to buy from and I discovered the problem. His several acres is surrounded by corporate farms and massive amounts of very dangerous toxins.
    My guess is that they killed his dad and mom is ill.
    I think I might take a break from the internet for awhile.

  2. Great video as usual James.

    Do you plant dwarf variety trees if available in that variety?

    What Apple do you find that does best in your zone? I just got my Fedco catalog and am trying to decide on some trees for my food forest. I’m in southeast Virginia.

  3. Today I will be planting my garlic! Oh how I love garlic…Your garden forest is an inspiration, I can hear the patter of your rain drops..I can smell the magicks of the ground. Hopefully the smoke ofthe fires willna be so bad. Bright blessings to you and yours my friend..

  4. Loved that intro camera angle with the leaves at the top of screen hanging into the front of the viewer's perspective. Created a beautiful natural frame for the intro footage. 🙂 nice! So thankful for you! Great job and enjoy your fruits of your efforts and vision and silliness to interact with nature, Brother! Hope to work with people like you asap, helping tend to the life in the system and learning and sharing together creatively like these videos and just sharing knowledge and experience. Reach out to me personally if you ever need a pair of eager hands and a creative mind to help out or if you know anyone looking for help in permaculture 🙂

  5. I agree; beautiful garden! God bless your continued success! I’ve been looking for the longest time for a permaculture garden person here in New Jersey, who also does YouTube! I am so excited that you are here! I have a small critique; I am bluntly asking you to give more “how to” and educational information, rather than your hopes, aspirations and the obvious facts… that your garden is doing “great”! PLEASE Don’t get me wrong it is nice to hear about what succeeded, and your feelings about it, too!. I am glad to have found you, and I am looking forward to what you do next! Wishing you continued success!

    I am starting over again this fall, (becoming a renter, not an owner) I am working a new property. (Horrible soil!) So, I have my first delivery of compost coming this coming week, with a new, small, winter hoop house, to be set up. Wood chips to follow…
    All this coming week, I will be busy! By chance will you be talking about fall and winter gardening?

  6. Do you have to wrap or prepare for the frost any of your plants? Did you ever or do you no longer have to now that everything is beefed up in size? I want to see inside your pantry sometime lol you're always talking jellies and jams nomnomnom

  7. James, kickass walk thru, Man. "Miniappleus"…lol!!
    I'm new to this so I'm sure I'll have a bunch of dumb questions. Just a quick one though. Am I doing things in the correct order? Cardboard, compost, then wood chips? About how thick should I make the compost and wood chip layers. I already seen where you said not to mix them, something abt nitrogen.
    p.s. I dig your energy, man it's infectious.

  8. Hi James because your soil has a lot of wood chip on it your soil being acidic maybe your Kale needs some lime in the soil to sweeten it. Thanks for showing your garden.

  9. Believe it or not you have changed the world .. many of us have started following the positive impact you have that of making this world to be a better place to live at the same time to have healthy food for our family and community. I am going to step up to grow something in my backyard, hopefully this creates a micro climate area where more plants, flowers, and living things coexisted. Thanks for sharing.

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