September 28, 2024


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Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own backyard or someone else’s.
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: IT'S COMING DOWN AFTER ALL!!!

  1. How do you get away with leaving gardening stuff lay around. City of Kelowna by-law officer came around and told me I could not keep hoses etc. on my low roof shed it was an eye sore. Finally told them to go screw themselves and they haven't been back since. Really ,I use a baker's rake to keep my seedling trays on and they wanted it gone too. Everything behind a 5' fence, she stood on the side of the van to be able to look into the yard. Told me I couldn't even park a vehicle beside my garage. No by-laws stated just anything they thought looked messy? Like my winter tires stacked up in the corner of the lot. I notice you have a pile of tires?

  2. Curtis,, I have a question, I am an Disabled US Army Vet Currently living in the Philippines, I am also Italian, and I am Missing my Italian Herbs & Veggies, here it is mostly to me to be GREAT growing weather ! Well I have Wasted TONS of seeds trying ! My seeds grow up to like 6 inches and then loose Turgor Pressure and DIES! So I finally Found Good Nutrient Dense Rich Soil & Fertilizer. WE have 3 Months of SCREAMING HOT WEATHER, Now as of 6-12-2017 Being JUNE we are now into our winter or the RAINY SEASON ! After I say your simple Caterpillar Green House, Maybe to protect from the intense heat OR the excessive Water I should set up a Little caterpillar Green House my self ? I do not believe what Humidity should bother the plants, do you?
    What do you think ! I want Zucchini, Roma & Cherry Tomatoes, Basil, Rosemary, Rouquette salad, Pepperoncini peppers, Italian parsley, Romaine lettuce, eggplant, so I don't understand the Problem? I am originally from Reno Nevada ,HOT HIGH DESERT! and COOL NIGHTS, with mild humidity, and I NEVER had a problem growing all t5hsi stuff there ! I checked with a friend who lives on sicily, they have about the sane climate as we have hear in the Philippines, Not so much with the Rain, but sull all year and humidity from the ocean. And they grow all this stuff there, so what do you advise ? Use a Green house and control my own micro climate ?
    Marcello Pecchenino
    Small Farmer !

  3. The farm can DEFINITELY hurt the property value just as it could HELP it (depending on where you live). It might and it might not it depends on the neighborhood. Not only that but many people wont buy at all in that area even if it was for a good price simply because of the farm if they don't like it. I'm not saying you are doing something wrong but you aren't a real estate agent clearly so you shouldn't spread bad info like that. Saying curb appeal doesn't increase or decrease property value of your house and the house around you is insane.

  4. I agree if the one devalues the neighbourhood then the other one does. They both probably do. What is expressed by people walking by is going to be extraordinarily biased attempting to use that to support what is being done is disingenuous. But I'm conflicted, I think urban farming is very good, and that people should be able to do with their owned land what they want.

  5. To flatly state that your "front yard greenhouse" had no effect on property values is meaningless without some actual data from home sales in your area. In case you were unaware, prospective buyers for any home within site of your tunnels WOULD at least have lots of questions about the neighborhood. .At any rate, speaking on a personal level, if I were your neighbor I would protest as well. When I pay for a home in a "residential" area I expect it will not become a "light industrial" area without some zoning hearings. Im not Canadian so I don't know if you do have zoning regulations. So, let me ask this, since social capital is a thing, did you take a plebiscite in your neighborhood to get social approval for your plastic tunnels? Im thinking "no".

  6. Those that tell you shit . . . . maybe just jealous, they cant do what you do and are pissed. The city zoning people motivated by $ and are controlled by the banksters. Tell them the Chem-trails are devaluation the neighborhood see if the can stop the spraying.

  7. I like what you're doing the videos are great. Iadmit if you were my neighbor I would hate that giant caterpillar in your front yard,and as far as affecting real estate values I don't believe you're correct if someone was looking to move into that neighborhood four or five houses down from you and they saw that they wouldn't stop to ask what it was ,they would just go to a different neighborhood .so front yard giant caterpillar thumbs down every single thing else you're doing major thumbs up awesome

  8. It all comes down to knowing/looking into an area before you buy there. If you don't like this way of living, then don't buy/rent in that area. I have no problem with an community that permits this sort of home/urban greenhouse/farming, but I have no sympathy for people who move into an area and try to change the rules established there in either direction. Same thing applies to people who move into an area or even worse BUILD in the vicinity of an existing airport. When the day comes that the airport needs to expand, the newcomer, needs to either move or just live with it. This concept of cities growing around an existing airport or any other legitimate business or entity and trying to shut them down because the newcomers (City permitted expansion deems it no longer fair to allow that business or entity to continue there. No different than the Muslims who bought property next to an existing hog farm and then tried to shut down the hog farm.

  9. Sorry dude, it is a residential area not a wanna be farm. What if the guy next door wants to start a junk yard? I see no difference in what your doing. Your permissive city officials are wrong on their zoning, OR to put it another way I would find it offensive and would not buy in the area. Go buy a small farm and be a farmer..

  10. Just a thought: the "four season greenhouse" strategy is to put waxed wooden rails down, then build a greenhouse with waxed wooden runners.

    You push the hoop house on rails to the front, start your first crops while snow is still on the ground, stuff that can stand cool temps once it's established, like snow peas.

    After it warms up a bit, you slide it to the middle point, and start late March crops.

    The hoop house protects from those damned frosty nights.

    This is how you get an early start on your tomatoes.

    Then you slide the hoop house back and start the WARM season stuff, melons.

    This way you use one hoop house to move your whole season a month earlier.

    During the Fall you move back to the front and replant lettuce and peas. They'll survive low temperatures under the hoop house.

  11. I don't think people who don't agree with your front yard operation are necessarily "haters" as you call them.
    If your neighbour's are generally supportive of your front yard farm, and the city allows it you should definitely go ahead with it.
    However, some people have worked just as hard as you to be able to buy a house and may be very concerned about a possible devaluation of their property.
    As you say a temporary grow operation might not affect property values, but people might not necessarily believe that it will be temporary.
    I have a huge house not far from Jasper and I want to build a 100 square foot greenhouse in my front yard. I'm going to ask my neighbours what they think of the idea. If they don't like it l certainly won't think of them as "haters".

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