July 2, 2024

VIDEO: 5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Jerusalem Artichoke/Sunchoke

In this video, I give you my 5 top tips on how to grow a ton of Jerusalem artichoke or sunchokes in just one raised garden bed or container.

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Jerusalem Artichoke/Sunchoke

  1. My Chinese neighbor gave me a tuber several years ago. She said it was ginger. It wasn't. I planted it and before I knew it I had an entire bed of Jerusalem artichokes. They will take over your garden and make a tall plant with a flower on top. They grow maintenance-free. Why can't I grow ginger as well?

  2. I was looking for how to identify new growth of the Jerusalem Artichoke, and sadly, didn't find it here. It would have been nice to see that, but perhaps you over looked it. I still love to watch your channel!!

  3. Just saw the perfect cure for jerusalem farts on YouTube today. I eat them sliced raw on salad and that works, but I cannot consume a lot that way. Then I saw an asian lady curing jerasalum artichokes with salt and chilis, like kimchi or sauerkraut. (Why didn't I think of that?) Then she uses the cured slices in stir fry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rstta-rwOrA. Although any recipes for salt cured vegetables would help. Wish I had one of her crazy jars, although it probably wouldn't fit in my refrigerator.

  4. thanks for the information. I heard that this plant can do just fine in a partial shade area too. You say it's best in a sunny area. Hmmm.
    I had them and they died out. Something kept eating the tops down to the ground. Groundhogs? Deer? What eats the stem and flower?

  5. Great tip to ferment the Jerusalem Artichokes. I'm definitely going to try that this year. I had at least two 5 gallon buckets full of them from a 4'x8' bed last year and didn't know what to do with them all. I reduced the space this year. They are at least 12 ft tall right now and taking over again. Looking for a way to contain them for coming years.

  6. Today I went to check on the "weeds" in the alley behind our house that my neighbor keeps complaining about. Turns out they are Jerusalem artichokes! Wanting to learn more about them, I did a quick search and found my favorite gardening Youtuber made a video about these. And a great video at that! Thank you for your very informative,, always light hearted, educational video, Mark. I'm going to go out to see if I can find any tubers. I might even offer a few to the neighbors if I find any good ones.

  7. I have an identical plant but the "choke" looks more like a small white sweet potato. Could this be another variety or the same? The plant has taken over my yard.

  8. thanks for sharing. i got like 10kg of my harvest today. perhapls planted tubers 500-700gr. max that is. but i did some experiment the year before too. (at least two or three plants that i "know" i hadnt plant this year in diff locations)

    also one plant of these (that i dont know which year it was first planted) was incredibly fruitful, perhaps got two kg or more of that one. it was "the weird one" as it laid down (bc of the wind?) in early or mid summer and it stem was very thick too afaik, and it haid several flowers pointing upwards

    i have some plants left for harvest saved for after the frost, its said they will taste better so perhaps i will get the honor to compare this

    i alsi will try some experiemtns with the seeds from the flower.

  9. Found a plant randomly growing in my backyard. I moved into this house 12 months ago, the property is subdivided, along the fence line I noticed something growing, thought it was a weed, google lensed it and whatdoyaknow!! I got me Jerusalem Artichokes!!!

  10. Your videos are the absolute best! I watch them endlessly. And it’s super helpful for me because I live fairly close to you (Ipswich) so your growing season is the same as mine

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