June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Blueberry Cuttingsㅣ쉽게 배우는 블루베리 삽목이야기

봄삽목을 하면 성공율이 높습니다.
The success rate is high when cutting in spring.

Slow Times Over Here


+편집프로그램 : 프리미어 프로

+촬영/편집 : Black네모

#Blueberry #cuttings #Blueberrycuttings

+ Creative Commons

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Blueberry Cuttingsㅣ쉽게 배우는 블루베리 삽목이야기

  1. Translated 80% peat moss , 25% coco peat and 20% rice husk seems interesting mathematical conundrum. Looking at the other text it seems the ratio is 60% ,25% and 15% but it's worthwhile to attempt this method. Thank you for the video very informative.

  2. Oh man! great job!! I have two Blueberry plants on pot, one around 3 years old and another one around 2 years old, the 3 years old one is full of flowers so I expect a huge harvest this summer! I also have One Red Currant (did I lot of muffins with them last year), One White currant (Both full of flowers and very vigorous) and 3 haskap berries (These are new in my garden but a bit older than 2 years old).

  3. Hello,
    Good knowledge from South Korean. Never seen before. Transform your hobby into a business, blueberry is in huge demand in India, please teach us about the details of your potting mix, (we have no brand for potting mix, in India.) Blueberry Nutrition details,( plants base ready to use, not available in india )
    your '1 day' work 'weather temperature? Visit India in Winter time 2021-22.

  4. 물 관리는 포트에 물이 마르면주나요? 아니면 그냥 메일 물주나요?그리고 뿌리가나오고 또 잎이나오고 그러면 밭에 바로심나요? 어느정도 화분에서 키운다음 밭으로 가는것이날까요 전 집에서 먹을것만 밭에 심으려고합니다 성목이 돼엇을때 흙 관리어찌 하는지요? 너무 많이 물어봐서 죄송합니다
    헐~이유트브 외구꺼에요? 채팅창이다 영어네

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