June 10, 2024

12 thoughts on “VIDEO: June is the gateway to summer

  1. Pheasants are the most stupid bird in existence, they think they rule the world just because they have gaudy feathers… but style never means that you have a brain to match… and what do I base this opinion on? Roadkill!!!

  2. Very cool video buddy! So peaceful with awesome critters and plants. Garden is looking super nice now but watch out for those bunnies you filmed. LOL. Plugs holes to keep ghost out was a learning experience. Learn something new all the time. Have a great weekend my friend!

  3. Ahh a lovely peaceful video reminding us of all the abundance that nature supports in early Summer. Scents, the first harvests, long days and Sunshine. Gorgeous. Pheasants are lovely birds but they have a tendency to nick our veg here, pecking away at any uncovered Brassicas etc. Thanks for a lovely look at the countryside. Cheers — Elly

  4. What a grand piece of video production I enjoyed watching the content closely, I was interested in how you researched the content and taking the clips before putting them together but, don't tell me as it will spoil the illusion. Definitely outstanding. Take care Mike

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