September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Homestead Crisis~5 Tips

How am I coping? How am I dealing? How is my family pulling through? I tell you and I also share 5 Tips that I feel are instrumental in helping you and your homestead when your personal crisis hits. It’s not a matter of if, it’s when. Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Homestead Crisis~5 Tips

  1. This being our first year of homesteading, I have been learning so much… My husband and I both believe in being prepared for things. We aren't doing it because we thought it would be fun; we are serious about being self-sufficient….but we also know that anything can happen. My health is up and down, and he is dealing with heart issues; we do what we can do. Our animals are happy and healthy, our boys are doing fine. I don't care if there's an inch of dust on my tv; some things take priority and that isn't one of them. Thank you for the video; you handled a tough topic with a lot of grace and straight-forwardness which is needed. God bless you.

  2. i love that your so real i never miss any of your videos. i cannot wait to move in a month to start preparing for my family i always look back on your video for any tips if i forget anything or just need a reminder. i hope everything will get better.

  3. Grew up in the 50s and 6os on small working farm in the boonies. Everything you speak of my mother and father did and taught us and it has done us well all our lives. There were three boys, one with severe medical problems, there were episodes of life threatening illness and hospitalization for both my parents, but we were always prepared to deal with the changes and realities. When I look back I realize we were incredibly poor by the worlds eyes but we were very rich by family and faith. Your sons will be rich beyond measure because of your faith and teaching, they will most likely be honorable and a credit to their parents and community. Wealth and success is not in things but in Godly faith, relationship and community. I keep you in prayer that your family be well and whole and that you can continue to teach your viewers what is important in this life.

  4. hi patara. awesome video as usual! I can tell you are upset of the out come of your husband and the situation you are in. its more like, your way of life is what it is and you must push past all obstacles. I think your husband will make it, as you said, he is military. you brought back some memories of mine from years ago. I too was in the military and was pushed hard in there. when I got out, my wife and I moved in with my parents. 14 room uninsulated farm house. 1 wood stove in front, 1 wood stove in the other end of the house. my dad was a ww2 veteran, alcoholic. great dad, great worker. we didn't have much money. my dad got sick and had to go into the hospital. while there he went thru alcohol withdrawal. I remember going to see him at lunch time from my job. his hands were tied in bandages so he wouldn't scratch himself from withdrawel symtoms. the doctor talked to my mom and me at different times, and he didn't think he was gonna make it. it was January. I worked 6 days a week, 56 to 58 hours as a mechanic. i'd come home, 1st, cut and split wood, 2, shovel the driveway. it snowed like every day. 3, the water would freeze. id have to put heaters along the old piping to un-freeze the water. 4, my mom would call late at night from the hospital, 11 miles away, saying the car would not start. very hard on a person. I don't remember what I ate. but, that was our life and to survive, you gotta do what you gotta do. I have pictures of me from that time, and I look like a rail. my dad did make it. the doctor had a talk with him after and put some more responsibility in him. he quit drinkin. we survived. I had no help. my sister and her husband lived almost across the street, no help. I think you will be ok. you are lucky you have strappin boys to help you. im not much for prayers, but the best of luck for you and your family. take care.

  5. A good friend of mine had a major shtf event in 2002. Her husband was jumping on a trampoline with his kids and attempted to do a flip and broke his neck at the C-3 He's been paralyzed from his neck down ever since. Of course he couldn't work ever again, had 3 young kids everything in their lives flipped upside down. Somehow she has managed to keep her job, take care of him because he does live at home with them, and do everything he used to do around the house on top of everything else. She is an amazing person and has been a huge inspiration to me. Many prayers for you and your hubby and family!

  6. I love you girl, you are so blunt and straightforward. your channel gives me motivation when I feel overwhelmed and want a poor pitiful me party. you tell it like it is and I'm so grateful for your videos. thank you

  7. Pantera, I almost didn't watch this video, as I didn't know what you were going to actually talk about even when I knew the title. But I thought, I will just watch another minute and see what she talks about.

    You were talking to me. You have such an amazing, straightforward, honest way about you. Your integrity and strength is absolutely inspiring. As I listened to you talk, I knew we would be good friends. I grew up in family where being a rugged individual was my model every day. I became a rugged individual and took care of everything, everyone and didn't set limits as an adult, which became a challenge for me. A challenge because all those I pulled through in the tough times began having personal issues (drugs, alcohol, immaturity, etc) and began resenting me and my ways of pushing through.

    Today life is tough, as I am the one with the chronic illness, but I am still the one who pushes myself to get through life the best way I can. You reminded me I did not live my life to impress anyone. I didn't live my life and work every day to have a solid, healthy, happy life to think things would be easy.

    After listening to your Vlog, I am renewed to simplify our life again. I have too much going on to be efficient and do as you reminded me to. I shall get rid of a lot of things beginning tomorrow and simplify our home and our responsibilities, so we can take care of the business of life. You reminded me that I CAN do this and I WILL do this.

    Things have changed, but that is life. Our finances got thrashed (from years of my illness) and we lost everything, but NOT making it through is NOT an option. I am going back to Preparing again for our life!

    God bless you, your husband, and your boys and your homestead.

    You and I just started on a friendship based on respect and faith and hard work.

    LynneDee Barrett

  8. prepare for all emergencies. it's always a good idea. i just went through a hurricaine that could have been much worse than it actually was. it turned out ok and my stress was a lot less.

  9. I was injured by a medical professional and the wound covers the entire bottom of my foot with after 2 yrs of NO walking or standing got infected and the antibiotics caused acute kidney failure and I am on dialysis not to mention 30 yrs of juvenile diabetes (I am 50)
    I am thankful that I prepared my food storage, had paid our home off and saved. my spouse at this time was forced into retirement after 26 yrs.
    you must Prepare yourself for the mishaps in life. Pantera is speaking the truth!!! I however am an urban homesteader doing it on a very tiny plot of land. being I'll to far from a dialysis clinic would be silly it takes up 30 hrs a week to stay alive. you just have to do what you can to stay prepared which we did and that kept our bellies fed. best wishes to all of you that struggle out there!

  10. Great advice!! I agree with preparing our children for life! Chores make them stronger adults! Our bread winner also has a heart condition, diagnosed when in our late 20's. God bless you and your family!

  11. you go girl! I have similar with my husband in the last 6mos. had lost vision in his right eye had retina surgery with gas bubble his left eye had Lazer surgery for the start of retina problems. he had surgery on left eye for cataract. he has to go to another surgeon for COPD. so we have to stay pin.point on what matters. there are days we just want to stop and cry but what will that help. so like I said like a duck with water on it's back. YOU GO GIRL!

  12. This really helps me to hear this today. I think the hardest part will be keeping journals on each animal. We're planning on having chickens and rabbits and of course a garden.

  13. #3 : am glad you know when to stop. important to take care of urself. i would add : accept help…when people offer u can say "yes" : one day they may be on the receiving end also. merci!

  14. Patara, you are a STELLAR mom. You are in fact, you are a stellar human being. This message is so important, whether or not they want to hear it. I'm going to make this short and sweet, but I want to share this with you. When I was 29, my husband who was 32, was dx with stage 4 cancer. The year was 1981. I was a stay at home mom. Eleven months after the dx, he passed. He died the day before our 6th anniversary. My children were 10 and 2. I am in awe of how wise you are for the years you own. When ppl ask you "How do you do it?" I hope it doesn't make you as angry as it used to make me when women would pat my shoulder and say "I don't know how you can be so strong. I could NEVER do that." Well excuse me, but I wasn't there the day I got to vote on iT. LIFE HAPPENS. You do what you have to do. I had to go to work. I had 2 children who were small to raise, and now I was all that they had. I, like you, didn't have a choice! You'd be surprised at what you can do when you don't have a choice. Patara, you are strong and you are brave. You have a heart as wide as the state of TN. I understand what your milk cow does for you, and it 'aint all about the milk. You, my dear, are an amazing woman and someone I truly admire. Don't you forget sweetie, you are not in this alone. God's got his hand on you and that is EVERYTHING.

  15. A girl after my own heart… how does anyone function without Post-It Notes?

    I admire you for the way you're rearing your children; they will be strong, masculine, decent, responsible men and, by extension, good husbands. On behalf of young women in particular, and society in general, thank you.

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