September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Guarantee Larger Fruits With This ONE TIP!

We get asked all the time how we grow such large fruit. You can be doing everything correct but if you are not giving the plants enough water, they won’t be as large as if you had been watering regularly.

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Guarantee Larger Fruits With This ONE TIP!

  1. Hello, I have a young peach tree that had about 10 peaches last year. This year I have none, do you know why? Is it because it used so much energy last year to produce the fruit that it's taking this year off?

  2. I thought for sure you were going to say that the way to get larger fruit is to thin them, or 'cull' them as you say. When I don't thin the fruit, the next year (especially my plums) the production goes way down. Also, I do get larger fruit from thinning. I tested this myself with all my fruit (not intentionally – it was a very rough year and I just hadn't gotten to thin them) and found that most of my fruit – the apples, plums, apricots, as well as peaches – were much smaller. The fruit is also much more tasty when I thin. Just my own experience. That being said…I will test your method next year and see what happens. I water twice a week for 30 minutes (automatic, on a timer), but I'll try doubling that and not thin. We'll see what happens! 🙂

  3. To much water can ruin the taste.
    Just pick the blossoms the year before and your fruit next year will be larger and sweeter.

  4. Of course, fruits are normally just water bags, and if you want the water bag to fill up during fruiting seasons, just give it ample water as long as the root system of the tree is complex and extended enough to take that water to the fruits fast enough so it won't let excess stagnant water in the ground to rot the roots themselves. Don't water them when they don't need it but do water them when they need it. Simple; even my dog knows that.

  5. My dwarf peach tree is 3 years old. Last year it had loads of fruit which suddenly disappeared from one day to the next thanks to either squirrels or birds. I was so disappointed! This year we covered it with a large breathable bag I found on amazon. I just picked a lot of the fruit before the hurricane hit our area on Tuesday. The peaches were a bit small so I'll try the month long watering method next year. I preserved several jars today and will do the rest in the next day or two. Do you have any pruning hints?

  6. this reminds me of my youth when the peach pickers are thru picking and season has ended we would go thru the orchard looking for any peaches they left if you could find them they would be as big as a grape fruit and tree rippened you bite into one juice run down you chin sooo good.

  7. i live in zone 8 south carolina been around peaches all my life they average larger han a base ball smaller than a soft ball by thining you can increse this size a good bit also some types are larger than others thining has the most effect on size

  8. i worked in a packig shed as a youngster my job was placing pre glued labels on the peach basket as they came down on the convare thats the te kid made money to go to fair when it came to town take 2-3 $$ have a big time hot dogs 15 cent hambugers 25 cent rides about 10-15 cents eacjh scool kids in free

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