September 28, 2024

VIDEO: You PREPARE but Are YOU Valuable?

Beyond “preparing”, do you bring value to your community?
Can YOU do stuff?
See ya on the farm & thanks for watching! 😊
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle:
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter:
~ Quail Egg Scissors:
~ Energy Bomb:
~ All American 921 Canner:
~ Fight Bac:
Patara’s Social Media:
~ Facebook:
~ Facebook Premium Group:
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*Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933


Music by Epidemic Sound

#Appalachiashomesteadwithpatara #truthteller #preparedness

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: You PREPARE but Are YOU Valuable?

  1. And.. right now I'm grateful I only have to worry about myself and him. I also am stocked on protection. The kids haven't listened and they are out. Family wont listen , I had to get it in my head , not all are meant to know. WWJD , the old saying , you can lead a horse to water but cant make him drink is more true then ever.

  2. I know for myself, I have been working on being more self sufficient. I realize how much stuff I haven't ever tried or deemed impossible because I am afraid to fail. Not afraid because of ego, but afraid because of cost. Every cent is accounted for. For me, its time to take the bull by the horns, and put the proverbial money where my mouth is, trust God, and leap.

  3. Retired chef here. My super easy way to make dark brown baked beans. Use your favorite recipe but soak those beans 48hrs (not 24) make sauce separate then mix with drained soaked beans. Now this recipe is for those of us who pressure can. Fill. Jars and can as normal for 90 minutes pressure time. The beans cook to perfection in the jar. In 3 canning sessions we have enough baked beans for a year eating one quart jar every 2 weeks.
    Try it out and let us all know your results.

  4. I learned all the survival skills from my parents. But all but one neighbor even has a clue what's happening. If they think they will come and I give them my stuff for free, think again. They need something to trade… our sweat and hard work is for family first.

  5. oh no – Im alone disabled and scared – everyone I talk to it too scared to listen – I plant in raised beds buckets and have putting back for 7 years – good supply – but lonely

  6. I'm in a small property in the city so I've convinced (won't shut up) my husband about setting up some aquaponics system in our back yard so we can have veggies and fish. Then after thats set up and going were going to get chickens.

  7. Thanks for your bread videos, I can’t believe how easy it is to make. I love beans, unfortunately, for some reason I have developed an allergy to them in the last couple of years. Any kind of bean, except green beans, give me a reaction. I’ve been stocking up for a year, and though I’ve never been good at growing anything that needs much attention, I’m trying. Thanks for all your great info!

  8. I can bake and cook from scratch, save foil and bags like my hubbys grandma boy would she be proud, can…waterbath and pressure, garden, animals. My priorities for the next few weeks is beans and rice don't really use em but gonna learn and introduce em. Gonna work more on my sewing as well I can do the simple stuff but I wanna learn to darn socks and mend just about anything. For the month of April I am gonna learn exactly what we use in a months time going to track every thing we use so that 1. I have a better understanding of exactly what we use, 2. where I can supplement with other things and 3. where I can cut stuff out. We are also working on getting as fit as possible and self defense both with and without "things" That's been a priority for a bit now.

  9. Thank you! You keep me motivated! I read all the comments also. There are some smart people in this community. Common sense smart!! Keep them coming .

  10. Hopefully most people understand, the "BEST BUY" date's are not when the can food goes bad….
    Can foods if kept in a dark, cool, dry place, can last 20-50 year's no problem.
    Yes a loss of some nutrients over time, but tests by government lab's show not by much…
    Also if rusted, bloated can's then smell test, or taste test easily to know.
    The reason for best buy, exp dates is the manufacturer was you to replace it.
    Government FDA took them to court and proved the needless loss of billions of dollars of food… that's why best by is used now on can's…not exp.
    Amen Christ.

  11. a few weeks ago we were at a new range, since we are moving back to Florida figured we would stop in and have a go at it…Im 60, 5 foot 2 and 100 pounds soaking wet…I watched "the guys" looking at us walking in…I guess they assumed I was carrying husbands extras …pulled out my smallest and started…worked up through all to my biggest…guy walked over to my husband and said we really want you AND your wife on our team when shtf.. We are pretty good at gardening, canning…just got the chicken coop done at the new house…will stock it once we are there permanently…but it was nice to know that the "manly men" at the range who were snickering when I walked in were impressed.

  12. My husband and I will be butchering two roosters this weekend. First time ever. I'm nervous, but I keep reminding myself that I need to practice now before I HAVE to do it to survive. Been watching vids and studying up.

  13. Not judging people – but during any crisis or SHTF event, those with Knowledge, Skills & Abilities (KSA's) are vastly more "valuable" than some basement dwelling Troglodyte who's only skill is playing video games. Tough love? Hell – Yes :o)

  14. Thank you Patara and everyone in this community for the continued encouragement. I received the most beautiful positive affirmation from my hubby a few days that has made this effort feel worth while. He said “you could make anything we need” ❤️

  15. Can't think of much of anything I disagree with you on, but I absolutely agree 100% on the need to get out of debt! The last thing anyone needs when times get hard is for things to be re-possessed, paychecks to be garnished, or worst of all, to become homeless because of an unmanageable home mortgage!

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