June 8, 2024

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to grow a Plum/Peach Tree from seeds

  1. Finally! A good video on how to do this. Question? how long does it need to stay in the fridge? When can they be planted?

  2. It can stay in the fridge for about 1 month and then leave in a warm spot to let them root. Them transplant them into bigger pots and in a couple o yours it is ready to be planted out. Thanks!

  3. Few weeks ago i have plated peach seeds outside with out any freezing etc. Today i went to check my peach seeds i saw they grow small green roots . I was suprised i didnt do much just ate my peach and plant the seeds after it D:. I have a question, how long does it take for the actual tree to grow?

  4. Your information and videos are very good and helpful, I am just starting to grow my own things from seeds and I can follow your advice very easily, thank you for all your helpful video's

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