September 28, 2024

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Fertilize Two Ways – Which is Best?

  1. yeah today is awsome it is like cancun level heat. my question would be is it good to soak your seed trays if you still have them when it is scorching or should you just do regular watering.

  2. I used bloodmeal in the hole for my watermelon. Two days later, all my watermelon plants were dug up by some varmint going for a bloodmeal snack. I'm going to go to broadcast when I replant this evening with a liquid fertilizer.

  3. Can you do a video on how the control moles. I can't use organic fertilizers like fish, blood meal, or worm castings because they go after that and destroying the roots. I am forced to just use compost and synthetic fertilizer but I really want to use organics.

  4. One thing to note with the broadcasting method we often see volatilization (Nitrogen loss via gassing off) and soil immobile nutrients like Phos & Potassium being out of reach from the plant's roots. Just a soil scientist's opinion :). The best option would be a "just out of reach" option so the roots dig for the nutrients.

  5. I don't fertilize conventionally I use compost that is all and I get wonderful yields. Also using a very minimal till method actually no till for about 5 years then I will turn the soil and rebuild if necessary

  6. I have been thinking on this. This week I seeded my 9 container porch greens gardens. Likely fertilizer this next week or so. Trimmed my backyard fence black Berry bushes. This next week I will ready my three 3×8 backyard raised beds. Putting in some compost. Corner Asparagus patch is growing. Hopefully put some vegetable plants in. Then last of month I will plant pumpkin and squash in my rented Church garden. Putting compost near plants. My little asparagus patch there is doing well. Looking forward to fall produce. Best

  7. I have put like a handful of 6-12-12 in a large strawberry pot and it burned it almost completely. It survived and is now again growing like crazy But on my raised bed. Just seeing you grab a handful and trowing it in a hole then put ur plant in.. im almost sure if i do that all my plants would die

  8. i do usually broadcast because even though i do have some plants that are spaced a bit apart there are lots of other companion plants around them. To combat the runoff issue what i usually do is plant / seed first, then the fertilizer and then apply a layer of compost on top of it to help hold it in place.

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