July 2, 2024

VIDEO: Short update and can you name that deficiency

Shot this video over a week ago. Too many tasks, too little time and no help whatsoever. Many surprises over the last 5 months that have pushed many things over the edge. I will not be able to plant half of what I intended this year for several reasons. Quite frankly, I am tired and having trouble concentrating on the two days that I have available to concentrate fully on these efforts.

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Short update and can you name that deficiency

  1. its all looking good J. Can not help you with the crinkled leaves mate. Like that tub of carrots I think I will be doing more in puts in the future I like how they grow as you can control what the soils like. Good update.

  2. COOL garden update Jay good buddy, everything's coming along great except for that spinach that has the leaves kinda crinkled up, 'exploding cucumbers',…hmm,…you've just stirred my curiosity, gonna google it and see what its about, thumbs up good buddy, greetings to your family and stay safe bro! 

  3. I had ordered the Trail of Tears bean seeds a couple years ago and never got them. Forgot all about it until now. Guess it is too late now to complain to the seed company. Never heard of an exploding cucumber. I'll be watching for updates on them. Looks like you have a great variety of plants this year, Jay and everything is looking good.

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