July 2, 2024

VIDEO: Choosing a Location for Your New Vegetable Beds

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx.
The approach of spring sees many of us starting or expanding a vegetable garden, but take care – where you locate your vegetable beds can make the difference between a bumper harvest or a disappointing loss.

Sunshine, soil moisture, and exposure to wind and frost each play a crucial part in your decision for where to site your vegetable garden. Each element needs to be considered carefully to ensure your plants will thrive.

In this short video we illustrate the main points you need to consider when planning a new vegetable garden so that you can it right the first time round.

If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at http://bigbughunt.com

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Choosing a Location for Your New Vegetable Beds

  1. Hi All – I started with the Garden Planner last year. After seeing this video I rushed to open my planner to add a compass rose and other garden objects; however, my version of the Planner doesn't have that button. Did I miss an update?

  2. When planning a new garden I always try to consider how much sun each location will get throughout the day – watch your desired garden location throughout morning, mid-day and evening to see which spots get the most sunlight and when. Also, if there are any trees around and they do not yet have foliage, look at the shadows of the branches and imagine a much fuller area around those shadows that will be in shadow once the tree has all its leaves. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I live in an area where we have extremely hot summers. I heard you say something about splitting the growing season. Do you have a plan for this? Everything in our garden does really well until the super over 100 to 115 degree days. Tomatoes seem to do ok .

  4. I love the idea of the gutters for planting seeds then slipping the seedlings into the sunny soil! Especially since there is gutter work going on in our neighborhood!ย  Thank you!

  5. I'm a first time vegetable gardener and thank you for the information you share here which is very helpful. The truth however is that many of us don't have much choice over where the veg plot goes (certainly here in the usual land starved UK house I've put mine where I can, not necessarily where I want). Thanks anyway for the useful tips and I'll check out your programme. I would prefer a drag and drop though, rather than a click once, then click again protocol. Small point, but just saying ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Im going through every video on this channel. I moved into an old victorian property which was overgrown and i had tons of seeds gifted from a charity which was handy.

    I think the best thing I did was just going for it on the cheap with offcuts of wood etc…and then using my experience from this year to alter my first 'real' attempt next year. The garden planner is a god send though! ๐Ÿ™‚ and networking with other like minded people great fun!

    If anything, I would say, always have beds in multiples of 4, in prime position so you can rotate and not be overwhelmed.

  7. Moving to the country on 30 acres. This was helpful. Iโ€™m doing the no till method. However, do you have recommendations for fruit tree placement. We also have walnut and pecan trees. What about caring for them?

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