June 9, 2024

VIDEO: End of January Update, Questions about Garlic, and a Surprise from Our Girls!

In this video I give updates on how we are doing with our grocery budget and an update on our produce harvest for the month of January. I also have questions about our garlic and share a surprise from our girls!!

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: End of January Update, Questions about Garlic, and a Surprise from Our Girls!

  1. What a great deal on the chicken and ham! Do you freeze it or can it? If you add red pepper flakes to your chicken feed, it will help your chickens with laying in the winter. I've had to do that with mine when they stop laying.

  2. were so lucky to meet a couple who raise chickens and do not butcher. same folks only keep the white meat from the birds. so we make out on the dark meat. i utilize every part of the chicken they do not want. am not an expert on garlic is growing nicely. htgde hope its warm.

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