January 10, 2025

VIDEO: FULL Garden Tour Week 5 | Heirloom Potager Tour | Roots and Refuge Farm

Today, I’m taking you for a full tour of my large raised bed potager garden in 7b, central Arkansas. We focus on growing heirlooms, companion planting, and growing vertically!

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Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith

Email Us: rootsandrefuge@yahoo.com

To drop us a line:
PO Box 850
Vilonia, AR 72173


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My Infrequently updated blog: www.thehodgepodgedarling.blogspot.com
My Articles in Do South Magazine:http://dosouthmagazine.com/?s=jessica+sowards

Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith

Email Us: rootsandrefuge@yahoo.com

To drop us a line:
PO Box 850
Vilonia, AR 72173


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Become a Wholesale member with an Essential Oils Kit: https://doterra.me/RjF77gV1
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: FULL Garden Tour Week 5 | Heirloom Potager Tour | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. Do you have any tips for protecting your beans from pests? Every time I’ve tried to grow beans or peas, they do well until they get about a foot tall and then something comes by and eats them all down to little sticks. So frustrating!

  2. Aha you get good years and bad for just about everything..one year all my cumbers and squash got fungus, wet spring and died..to a year where the cumber vines jumped the garden,
    started growing in the trees, never had a year that good
    Then the deer visited one night and everything was gone..except for the hot peppers…lol
    Do you have any problems with Fire Ants..they eventually chased me out of my garden..(when I lived in Georgia)
    I could not get them to move..they moved me..I hate those little beasts..thankfully they haven't found Ohio yet

  3. I absolutely love the smell of basil. It’s almost transcendent for me. Putting a leaf on a tomato slice with a piece of mozzarella is just about perfect for me.

  4. Somehow missed this video but it's lovely as always. On your Queen Lime Zinnia patch (it IS majestic!), how closely did you sow your Zinnias? It seems like they are perfectly spaced and still full and lovely.

  5. Hi Jess! I thoroughly enjoy watching and learning from you! I hope you had a blessed Christmas and New Year!? I have an idea for your squash. You might for one to two growing seasons long grow your zucchinis in where you keep your chickens and see if your chickens have an affect on the squash bug population. At the same time I would make a fenced in square around one of the squash plants and see how they compare in damage/no damage as the season progresses. Just an idea. I hope you have a wonderful 2020 and growing seasons to come.

  6. Devin dust never worked for say an bugs or cucumber beetles for me. I also planted lots if marigolds and garlic close around all my squash and cucumbers and I never even got any fruit from either

  7. Hey Jess, the "Suburban Homestead" has a really good looking cage he uses to keep deer out. Something like that may be a suitable choice for your memorial garden. I don't feel he is a gifted gardener, but his esthetic is lovely.

  8. I have lots of lilies and have had several different cats living outside with full access to all my gardens in the almost 60 years of my life. I have never seen one eat anything toxic that was growing there. They chew on grass, the occasional lambs quarters, maybe an overripe tomato (a mother cat used to do that- pregnancy cravings apparently) but never anything toxic. House cats are a different story. They will chew on anything green. I know this from experience. I almost lost a few over this. I think it is because of the access to safe greens by the outdoor cats but the indoor ones don't have that luxury. I don't think you have to worry about the lilies. The road is a different story though unfortunately.

  9. Hey Jessica don’t fret I’ve always had my two healthy cats in my garden and I have tones and tones of different kinds of lilies and they never touch a one. Ex: queen Emma lily, crinum lily, rain lilies, blackberry lilies, callayilies, canna lilies, spider lilies etc.

  10. My favorite squash to grow that are fairly resistant to the squash bug are all scallop varieties and the trombone. I'm gonna try a few new ones this year hopefully it will go well. I always get the bugs in my yellow crookneck though and sometimes the black beauty zucchini end up with them too.

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