July 2, 2024

VIDEO: What's going on here, sadly not much

This may well be the last gardening video I do this year. I have to pull back and seek a balance in my life again after all the upsets from the last year. The new job is much more stressful than it has to be due to poor management and I have to figure out what else I can do. Return on investment (my pay) is inordinately low for my time and efforts of working overtime everyday and most saturdays. Leaves me no time for self sufficiency work which brings an extremely higher rate of return for less effort.

5 thoughts on “VIDEO: What's going on here, sadly not much

  1. You take care of yourself and your family. Those of us who are subscribed will catch you when you do post no matter how long it is between videos. Thanks for all you have done already.

  2. So sorry to hear about your predicament! I've always enjoyed your videos. If you want to bounce some ideas of each other about some gardening monetizing ideas feel free to direct msg me here. I've starting doing a few things in that realm and may be able to share some ideas.

  3. Seem to me you got some stuff done mate. It looking good. Borrage once planted never lost 😉 I was supposed to get a call today about that work heard nothing yet.. Sure you will find a balance. You know where we are and how to get hold of me.
    Working 6 days is crap and winter when you dont need the time they give it you thats how it is here.

  4. Jay, I pray christ enters your life and guides you into something that will ease your stress, earn you a living, and allow you to realize we are the system you think you hate.

    Hopefully we'll all realize that complaining and blaming others is not a viable solution.

    it will only bring us to the grave. it will only strengthen the system you speak of, as will monetization.

    Your heart has not been hardened beyond repair.

  5. Salad Burnet! The one with little purple flowers. I am growing some of that for the first time this year. That broccoli will still be good!
    I'm sorry to hear that your work situation is so stressful. I wish you luck in your business endeavour!

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