June 8, 2024

5 thoughts on “VIDEO: Part 2 lessons learned 2013 garden Hokaido

  1. Another lesson learned good buddy,….so the garden Hokaido is put in place with the squash plants as sort of a trellis? So the vines will clamber up and better access for the pollinators, bees, butterflies and the occasional hummingbird? COOL,…hmm…don't remember if i've seen part 1, goin' there right now, take care Jay!!

  2. I had the same problem with my black zucchini. Staggering germination is a good idea. What I ended up doing was collected the pollen from my male blossoms on Q-tips and then keeping them in a zip lock bag. When the female blossoms finally came out, I pollinated them with what I collected. It worked pretty well.

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