June 10, 2024


  1. Patara, I have really sensitive teeth, will the Baking Soda make my teeth hurt? I would like to try this recipe because toothpaste is expensive especially Sensodyne. I really like all the information your share, I am learning a lot from your videos.

  2. Hi Patara! Made a batch this morning and love ❤ it! I live in Arizona and keep the house around 80 in the summer (That's cool when it's 118 outside!) But coconut oil is liquid by 80 degrees. I know because of the antimicrobial properties of coconut oil, it doesn't need refrigeration, but any ideas how to get what I need in my mouth when this cleaner is liquefied? Or is refrigeration my only option to keep it in solid form in the summer?

  3. I've been using this method for almost two weeks now. I have seen an improvement in my teeth & gums.
    When I purchased my coconut oil, all they had available was refined ( no flavor ) still 100% organic non gmo oil.
    I do both oil & baking soda, but I spit into the trash, so no oil build up in my sink drain!
    I can say that this has an affect on my tastebuds. certain foods & drinks do not taste as they once used to, which means I do not eat or drink much of them anymore. which is better for me anyway!
    I have to finish up the refined oil before I buy the other – with flavor. I'll have to see if there is a difference using with flavor vs without flavor.

  4. the oil pulling… using the refined oil ( coconut )… it's difficult at first, my gag reflex kicked in! but I noticed a difference when starting… if I use solid oil… I gag and cannot even really start. yet when I use softened/liquid oil, I can do about 10 minutes worth.
    again, using the refined, it does leave a slight taste in my mouth… not exactly coconut flavor, but an underlying tone.
    again, I'll try the flavored when I finish with the refined; maybe there is a difference.

  5. i use way too much coconut oil and baking soda to buy such small containers as those.
    i am gonna try your recipe. i usually use baking soda and peppermint oil. i just wet my toothbrush and scoop it up. i like the idea of using coconut oil in the toothpaste. no matter how i am committed to oil pulling, i never manage to keep up with it, so this will get coconut oil in my mouth every day without as much work.

  6. I haven't shampooed my hair in years, I didn't say I didn't wash it, just no shampoo. I alternate baking soda, water and a few drops of essential oil of your choice. Then I also use raw honey mixed with water and essential oil like lavender or lemon grass etc. my fav is the baking soda method, it's fantastic.

  7. Hey Patara, do you have a cream rinse (conditioner) homemade recipe that uses coconut oil for your hair? Thought that you mentioned it in one of your videos and would love to see hows it's made 🙂

  8. Thanks for sharing this recipe with us. We grew up using a mixture of salt and baking soda. Wish we had this instead ! What would work for a dispenser is a catsup/mustard squeeze bottle from the dollar store. Just label it with a marking pen and you're all set !

  9. Hey Patara, I'm like you and allergic to everything so I have been doing a lot of research on how to make stuff all natural. Wanted to let you know about a channel I have found (Ruby Ranch homestead in the forest), this lady makes all her stuff from natural ingredients. Health, Beauty, laundry soap and fabric softener, shaving cream, etc.  Thought I would pass it on:)

  10. Also forgot to let you know….I have found the very best stuff for your hands and elbows, knees, heels. I have a very bad problems with getting so dry it cracks and bleeds. it is from naturesremedies.biz. 100% natural. Natural Antiseptic healing cream. it smells like peppermint. I got my thur walmart.com and it was 15.00 for a small jar of it. Will be buying it again, well worth the money and it works for psoriasis, which I have, its the only thing that work for me:)

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