In this epiode we will cover the ins and outs of growing peas
organically. We talk about planting, fertilizing, sun exposure, pH,
watering, and soil composition. Enjoy! Please subscribe and share with your friends if you found this helpful.
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You didn't talk about your trellis. I like the design. First year at trying peas – didn't know they need a trellis. Since I just planted them today – I have time to install a trellis like yours. Thanks.
Great guide. How did you build your trellis system for your peas?
Thanks for this info! Love your channel!
Well thank you mine our growing now i think they need more compost for sure:)
My yard has no shade just full sun all day, is this going to be a problem or do I just water more?
When you fertilize when planting, do you add more fertilizer after that?
Also, i saw this after planting my beans. Can i fertilize now?
Thank you.
Talk talk talk. Would you mind showing us how. ?
Wow what a exciting video. Not.
My peas just died and I just found out why! We had a lot of very hot days and they got too much sun. The bottoms turned yellow and died. I'll have to fine a better spot for them next year. 65 and still learning!!
Thank you for doing this video
my snap peas are growing in 64oz. juice bottles on my balcony. They are almost touching the ceiling and have lots of beautiful fruit that I just started picking. They seem happy with the amount of sunshine we get in California on a North facing balcony. I started them from seed in early April. I barely just added fertilizer this week. I didn't think it would work out, but I thought I'd give it a shot.
You’re so smart. You just told me everything I didn’t know, but needed to know, about peas. I will definitely try a slightly different strategy for my snow peas next time. I got them started late and they are suffering in the heat. They’re producing but not like I’d have liked.
This guy loves peas, I just wanted to see the process not a history of peas.
I’m confused I thought the peas were nitrogen fixing as in they put nitrogen into the soil and I wasn’t sure if they needed nitrogen as fertilizer but you were clear on that point I’m just not sure how they’re fixing the soil …do they take it out?
Question: with you discussion on soil amendment etc, does this mean that after going through that effort, you use the same bed for peas again the next year, or do you go with a completely different bed, and then do "extra" work to get those conditions right??
I never fertilized my pea plants and they always produced but this year I fertilized with diluted fish emulsion and the plants are big and green and beautiful but have absolutely no flowers. Don’t know what to do to make them produce, they are very tall so I’m not sure if I should keep fertilizing.
Is it ok to start peppers outside mid may or well it take to long to get peppers.mich is not warm!
Thank you! This is a very informative. Relieves a lot of my anxiety about growing peas.
I bought pea seeds and they are called super snappy from Burpee… I dont know if they are duel purpose or just for peas… I was wandering if anyone knows. I was hoping for pods to eat and not just peas.
Any updates to this? Do you still follow the same stuff from 6 years ago?
Thanks this is great! First time pea grower in MI
I love your presentations.
great speech in camera just wandering how long do the plants grow how many harvest do you get
I live in the NW part of Alabama and planted Dark Seeded Early Production Peas in the beginning of November last year. Over the winter they grew to only about 1/2 foot. They survived the raised bed soil freezing and being covered in our one snow for a few days. I was able to start harvesting in late May and they never got higher than 2 feet.
Can you shade the area with tulle (or any other suggestion) to encourage the peas to grow throughout the warmer temperature months?
Can sweet peas be planted as a end of summer to fall crop?
MIgardener, I just stumbled across this. I love the relaxed style you have here.