September 21, 2024

VIDEO: Enthroned (When Dreams Die) | Devotional | Roots and Refuge

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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Enthroned (When Dreams Die) | Devotional | Roots and Refuge

  1. God is glorious and I am beginning to learn that he has an amazing influence in my journey. Sometimes with the loss it is hard to reach out to him. I am preparing for the loss of my husband due to cancer and I am blown away with how God has placed your voice in my life at the most crucial time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  2. Thank you for sharing! I have definitely felt some of these dreams dying in these last few years. They may be seeds in the ground or God may have others plans. Thanks for the reminder that we need Him on the throne in every aspect of our life!

  3. Dear Jess, appreciate your message so very much. I can testify to keeping God and Jesus in the front of our lives. Story…..we were in the process of moving back home to be close to our family. Packing my beloved books 50 + boxes I injured my back several. The moving burden rested on Michael. I stayed in the Lord and the constant message was ‘Do what you can’. So I got on line found a new doctor and scheduled Physical Therapy. Moved….continued in relationships with God’s message ‘Do what you can’. Our moving and finding a new home was harrowing. I stay in the Lord and the message is still ‘Do what you can’. Back is healing, moved into our new home 18 minutes from family…..God is Good all the time….all the time God is good. Blessings to you and your family.

  4. Jess, I so wish this was 40 years ago (I'm 58)… when I ventured out into the world and found out the hard way that there are people in the world who don't have our best interests at heart – I was brought up to believe but lost my faith. Since then ALL of my dreams have died, except for that I was allowed to drive a truck for a living, and that has been gone for 5 years now. I have been watching your videos because my last dreams in life are to live the life you are living and to find someone similar to you to live it with. Thanks for all of your videos.

  5. So beautiful , thank you for being so brave as to sing for us , I can't imagine how hard that was , but you really do sing so beautifully , I hope you realise how many lives you touch every day , you have made my life brighter and put such a smile on this sad face….thank you <3 God bless you !!

  6. I've been watching your channel for years on/off, mostly just the gardening ones, but I didn't watch you regularly until recently I stumbled onto one of your more personal videos where you mentioned your faith. I don't follow religion but your honesty and openness moves me and I find myself relating to a lot of your stories. Thank you for what you do. Love from California!

  7. This came up on my feed after watching you interview Miah on moving to your next big dream on 3/31/2021. I have been struggling with my life as it is and what I miss most is when I was in the church choir singing the praises of Jesus. My voice has changed and I haven't felt able to worship properly. I use to play guitar and now that I'm older it hurts my shoulder. I thought if I could build a cigar box guitar I could afford an instrument that could cover the sound of my voice so I could get the praise music out. I was blocked in my efforts and became angry and frustrated with this person and myself. Last month a You Tube CBG builder ran a giveaway for a CBG. It was a tenor guitar which was not the sound I was looking for. It was a pentatonic fretting that I was not looking for. I thought " I never win anything, but if I did and learned this guitar I would be able to praise God and prove I could follow through with learning to play an instrument. If I did this I could justify buying or building the CBG of my dreams. Last week was the drawing and I won second place, but if the first place winner did not respond in 24 hours or did not want to pay shipping then I would win. The first place winner was in the UK and could not afford the shipping so I won! My guitar arrives today. The idea that where praise is the throne of God is and God is seated on that trone and his government is there. Wow,wow and wow. I have always thought of entering his courts in heaven not here in my earthly realm. This is God's word and this is God's timing and this is life changing! Thank you for trusting and listening to the Holy Spirit and sharing your life and heart.
    God bless you and your family and keep you safe.

  8. 2 years later this is still reaching out and impacting someone. I just wanted you to know that. Last night I had to leave my bed and sit alone in my backyard and cry and ask him to come and sit on his throne and bring his direction into my situation. Because I'm just sooo lost. And I've been trying. And I just don't know what is right and what is wrong and why the things I think are right are actually feeling so very awful and producing the most bitter fruit inside of me and my heart. And I feel like such a failure because I've seen his goodness so many times. But something's definitely off right now in my approach. And I need him to show me what it is because I can't figure it out. Thank you for telling me that he wants to be in my garden even when I'm lost and confused and getting everything wrong. I've got my ears and heart waiting for his answers and whatever he says I've got to do, even if it seems different from what I've been taught over the years is right. I can't keep growing this bitter/angry/painful stuff in my heart. It's making me ugly on the inside. And I KNOW he doesn't do that.

  9. Jess! This was beautiful!! I came to your channel as a brand new suburban gardener dreaming of property to homestead. After divorce and financial struggles, I have just gotten my first chickens and learned so so much from you as I watch in amazement for the first time in my new garden. I have found your devotional tab and wow Jess! Thank you for speaking so deeply to my heart. Good luck prepping for the move!!

  10. Drawn to this one, donno what its about yet.. but 4 days ago I woke up to something I never expected and some dreams died. I feel this has the words I need to hear. Thanks Sister. Bless y'all on your move.

  11. Man…yes. i didnt ask him before I took all this on. I recently asked him to remove anything thats not for me.
    Thank you for including the death part. I am grieving the death of half my flock, made a mistake because my health has been rough, dealing with the guilt, and seeing the lessons in between. I miss my babies, but I was neglecting myself for them. Its always been my nature to put others first. It's a hard lesson. But I know i am like a vine being pruned. Ive been too resistant…
    That song is awesome!

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