July 2, 2024

VIDEO: Growing in Straw WITHOUT Conditioning

In this video I discuss growing in hay or straw without conditioning the bales. Does bale gardening without conditioning work? Why?
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12 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing in Straw WITHOUT Conditioning

  1. Great point! I have a friend who is a master gardener. When I told him I was doing straw bales gardening he was adamant that it wouldn’t work. I have video proof that it does 🙂 he is now considering trying a bale or two for fall garden. All thanks to you and Linda and your videos 🙂

  2. Great video, I had one out of 8 that didn't condition right. Moved the plants and did two-weeks on it and it was fine

  3. Preach it Opie! Your videos were very helpful in my first attempt at bale gardening! My biggest problems this year was starting late and a little fertilizer mishap. Suggestion for a video for next year: "How to deal with light bales". Two of my bales had about half the straw of others and did not condition as well as the others until I walked on top of them to compress them down a bit.. Next year I will step those bales down early so they compost correctly. Keep up the good work!

  4. Oppe – Great info to have. I have never tried straw bale but am curious. It's obvious that straw bales don't have the same macro & micro nutrients as soil. Seems a no brainer. How many years does a bale last for planting?

  5. Preach it brother! It is always someone else fault for the failures! Had one that kept pouring fertilizer on her bales to conditioning well after time to quit then planted her plants in it. You could see a ton of white fertilizer sitting on top so it cooked all her plants. She reported me to FB saying I destroyed her garden and tried to get me kicked out of FB. Now that took the cake.. LMBO. I see so many that DO NOT watch the step by step videos and do their own thing then come running asking what happen? I did it like you told me to! NOPE YOU DID NOT! Awesome advice my friend. Good luck and hope you have a great week!

  6. Yes! The only way I can see to avoid conditioning with nitrogen would be to buy the bales end of summer, set them up and leave them all winter, but only in a climate where you had adequate rain/snowfall.

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