June 28, 2024

VIDEO: Planting Onion Sets Indoors – Allotment Grow How

Today on Allotment Grow How we show you how to plant your onion sets into modules. This gives them a head start before planting them outside later in the month. Starting the onion sets off this way has always produced great results on the plot. If you’re a beginner gardener then try growing onions from sets, they grow quicker than seed onions taste just as sweet.

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Here’s another great video that I think you will like : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM3zTZQGGws&t=4s

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#plantingonionsets #howtoplantonionsets

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting Onion Sets Indoors – Allotment Grow How

  1. Hi Adam. I had a good season last year with onions 50 Sturon and 50 Red Baron We used the last ones a couple of weeks ago. Have to grow what we buy and didn't grow enough so last season have done an Autumn planting of Japanese sets. I thought giant onions were special sets or seeds? Well produced video (again) pleasure to watch. Take care Mike B

  2. I normally grow my onions from seed,, but this time I have a failure on my hands. very few seeds germinated. more than likely my fault, storing them somewhere too warm last year. I am having to start off my stutgarters this weekend. I'm up for a challenge, adam.

  3. If you've enjoyed this video please hit the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON and also the BELL ICON to be notified when each new video is uploaded. Welcome to both old an new subscribers…. Thank you for watching and taking the time to comment – Cheers Adam (Allotment Grow How)

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