September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Transitioning Towards Permaculture – What and Why?

Today I decided to do a bit more of an update video however I felt I needed to give an insight to what will be happening and why permaculture will become one of the main focuses for my channel and food growing passion. I also show you some of my artwork along with some clips from my school vegetable garden and I also share my ambitious end goal.
The channels and links I mentioned.
Permaculture Homestead:
One Yard Revolution:
Happen Films:
A simpler way documentary:

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Transitioning Towards Permaculture – What and Why?

  1. YES !  great video, great idea on the changes, and THANKS so much for the shout out.   You are so close to permaculture already a PDC would really benefit you well.  I cant wait to see the transformation.  Cheers Huw

  2. Huw, if you are also interested in food production on the large scale and re-greening the deserts, you should look at Alan Savory and the Savory Institute. He has had success on four continents by observing and imitating nature's way.

  3. Definitely need to set more goals like u so nice to hear your full update. I'd invite u to drive my way to the U.S….but cars don't exactly float on water 🙂

  4. I find it fascinating how similar are the constructions from Wales compared to Patagonia Argentina! My welsh ancestors came to Argentina and built the exact same churches, anyway great video. I'm big fan of permaculture so I'm excited for what's next in your channel 🙂

  5. Ohh, exciting busy time for you! You make exactly the videos you want to make, Will watch them all. You are very thorough and very knowledgeable and you have a personal perspective on things too, meaning you don't just parrot what everyone else is saying. This is the way to permaculture evolution. Imagine what you will be like at 30 or 40! I'm stil building up my permaculture garden slowly. It has taken me 5 years up to now and it's slow because i have no money, no transport and a pretty bad back. I would love to see some more permaculture videos from you and see how you would tackle it. That would be very interesting to me. I think we are both at roughly the same level of buildup. I have watched hundreds of permaculture videos, most of them involve large teams of people and big equipment. Not always very useful for a one horse team. 😀 Yeah, yeah, dig swales… 2 bobcats, a caterpillar and some guy talking into the camera. So easy. Haha! I agree on the channels you have mentioned. Those are really good small scale permaculture guys with actual useful tips for home gardeners.

  6. Don't forget Paul Gaultschi of Back To Eden. Even permaculturists go to look at his methods since he turned a clay soil property into an abundantly producing organic farm by simply paying attention to the way soil is created in nature. It turns out that scientific research supports his basic method. I have a good friend who doesn't live that far from him and if I every get over there for a visit I'm going to skip over and see him as well.

  7. I'm so glad to hear about what you're planning. Right now I'm working on trying to get local churches to start growing food to be able to donate. Permaculture is definitely the way to go. We will be so much healthier and so will the planet be as well. Money doesn't grow on trees but food does, so I'm hoping I'll see the day when not a single person has to go hungry. There are a lot more "food warriors" than I ever would have thought and every time I see another one I'm so grateful. We are the hope for the future!!

  8. Thank you Huw for an inspirational video. It is a sad fact that young people like you do not make the headlines, only those who have been led astray or have not had an inspirational mentor in their early years. During the 80s I took YOP and YTS teenagers as well as horticultural students on 6 month placements. Many of them were 'known to the police' or had other problems. They were never any trouble and often did quite big jobs that they saw for themselves and just got on with it. Please keep us up to date with all you do.

  9. Hi Huw, I'm a new subscriber from New Zealand. Thank you so much for these wonderful videos, I love the variety of content and your personality is a winner. I was feeling quite disheartened with my soggy winter garden before stumbling across your channel and now I'm feeling a lot more inspired, thanks! Your accent is a touch of home, as my grandmother is from South Wales and I also lived there for a short time 🙂

  10. Wonderful video. I'd like to recommend checking out Jack Spirko's YouTube channel. He has several videos dedicated to permaculture as well as many of his videos show the symbiotic relationships between food/animal/people. I appreciate his work since he is demonstrating permaculture concepts in action near where I live in Texas.

  11. Hello, ive just discovered your channel and started subscribing to gardening channels in general. I have a 2600m2 flat yard (ex farm field) where Im building my house. I want to get into permaculture and gardening but i dont really know how I should design and plan my own yard. Like what things should a permaculture garden consist of. I´m thinking about underground storehouse for fruits and vegetables, some kind of compost setup but thats about it. Since Im starting from a blank sheet with nothing growing on the yard at the moment I really want to get the right kind of trees in the ground that could benefit the garden in form of good insects, good material for compost etc.

    Do you have any advice on where I can find information like this. I am also interested to find a good forum for these kinds of questions, do you have any favourite?

  12. Excellent plan! It's been great fun watching your interest in gardening and agriculture develop over the years (and the soil in my garden is much improved bc of your advice). If you haven't already, it's worth expanding your research into the nutritional value of food (both plants and livestock) grown in various environments. In the USA, the nutritional value of most of our produce has decreased by approximately 30% since the studies began 70 years ago. The latest round of research seems to consistently demonstrate that food grown on small, multipurpose farms of 100 years produces superior results all across the board. Even though it's more expensive and less efficient, I think we need to return to traditional farming in which a variety of seasonal crops and livestock are rotated across the plot. The more into gardening I become, the more I realize a full fledged mini farm is essential to growing superior food. If you have Netflix, I suggest you watch "Cooked" by Michael Pollen. It's a four part series discussing how cooking has developed over time. He makes some interesting points that are very much in alignment with your goal of pursuing sustainable agriculture on a local level. Anyhoo, I think you're at the beginning of an amazing journey. Looking forward to following along from across the pond!

  13. Hello from Florida, US I just stumbled upon your channel and I am amazed by your dedication and passion for sustainable gardening. Thank you for your efforts in educating the public (worldwide) and spreading love for our planet. Your artwork is amazing too 🙂 Looking forward to watching more of your videos.

  14. The school seems to be a better place because of you. You're such an amazing young man. Your parents/ elders ones must be wonderful people. Thank you for making the Earth a better place 🙂

    Greetings from California, USA


  15. Hello Huw, thanks for your very inspiring videos. This is Loli from north of Spain, a school,teacher. I am very pleased to know about your school garden. I'm running one myself with my primary pupils but I find it difficult to maintain it properly and keep it going well.
    Any advice on how to improve it when you have little time? Thanks so much

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