September 20, 2024

VIDEO: Foliar Feeding Vegetable Plants For Insane Yields (2018)

Foliar feeding is the fastest way to get water soluble nutrients into the plants that need it! In this video, I describe what foliar feeding is, how to do it, why you should do it, and why it works. It is a very simple method of QUICKLY getting nutrients into a plant to reach production yields beyond what you thought was even possible.

Need a backpack sprayer? Check out my Amazon Affiliate link!

New and improved Seaweed Extract Foliar Feed!:

DIY Fertilizer:

DIY Potting Mix:

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Foliar Feeding Vegetable Plants For Insane Yields (2018)

  1. I want to use liquid fertilizer on water melon, which is best time to do it ?and how many times should i do it in a week or month. Thank you am from Tanzania

  2. So what happens when it rains during the day and then is followed but intense heat and sun? Do the leaves burn? Watering during the day and and water turning into laser beams on leaves are old wives tales. Plenty of documented peer reviewed information readily available. Please do your research before making comments. Foliar feeding although is great to do at night is also the worst time do it when worried about mold or fungus.

    That being said, your tomatoes look beautiful.

  3. Is there a problem with mildew when foliar feeding at night on outside veggie plants?
    You have a great channel and a great style of getting your point across.
    Thanks, Dan

  4. I just foliar fed an indoor apple bonsai grown from seed. It's less than a year old but growing rather quickly under the indoor conditions. I've been shaping the plant and adding style to it's branch structure. However, I had an issue with algae overtaking the reservoir while I put it under stress. I attempted to block out all light and add beneficial bacteria rich water with kelp. However, the plant was not healthy enough and the algae came back stronger.

    The soilless mix will stay moist for months. I emptied the reservoir and am not planning to water. I am foliar feeding till the algae begins to live in synergy within the grow tray. I will be foliar feeding with Bushdoctor Flowerskiss twice daily (once midday and once before night) till it regains health. Then, I will transition to vegetative growth.

    Wish me luck in my new age bonsai adventure!

  5. Excellent video. I've been using Fermented Plant Juice fertilizer as a foliar spray and it really works. You done GOOD!!! Thanks for spreading the good news. I also combine effective micro organisms which I also make with my FPJ at the same time. I can do this because both solutions are sugar based.

  6. I been doing hydropinics recently.
    I use the masterblend nutrients.
    So had some leftover and decided to mist my plants with it.
    They exploded with dark lush green leaves the next day.
    Was impressed.

  7. If you use Yucca extract it will take the buoyancy from the water and it will lay flat on the leaf no beads no magnifying glass you could spray it in the morning so you don’t risk plant molding

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