September 28, 2024

VIDEO: The Attitude of Vegetable Gardening in Slovenia is an Inspiration

It was an honour to be given the chance to go on a trip to Slovenia and do some filming, and I felt inspired to stop at a random garden to shoot a video about what I learnt when it comes to Slovenian’s and their food growing. I think you will be inspired like I was!
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Attitude of Vegetable Gardening in Slovenia is an Inspiration

  1. Yes indeed! Well said and researched Huw. I was there for around 10 days a year or so ago and was very struck by the proliferation of small vegetable gardens. Especially you see them along the very well run, railway system tracks. Seems like everyone in the country grows their own.

  2. That is common thinking here. It's something that we take for granted but until I started to travel the world and actually see it than I realized what a precious thing we have here. Pristine clean water in most of our rivers , furtile lands. We grow 100% of our vegetables at our home and we also have vineyard. + A lot of fruits.Thinking behind all this is I know what I put in the soil therefore I know what I'm eating. Everyone should be able to grow their own food.
    I hope you can learn something from this video. Regards

  3. I am Australian….and had always thought Eastern Europe was backwards, inebriated, and inbred.
    But after seeing some of your vids, I have just booked my next annual vacation in Latvia and Lithuania.
    It will be a tax write off for me, and a study tour of high crop yield.
    Thanks heaps.

  4. Great video! I love that just about everyone grows their own food there. Seems that large home vegetable gardens are an extreme rarity here in the U.S. anymore, at least where I live.

  5. Wow, just wow. Too bad in my country, most people are lazy.I live in tropics. Most prefer to put cement to avoid weeds. Some try to grow grass, but they are too lazy too maintain it and the weeds win. Others prefer to plant mango/ rambutan/ fruit tree for shade, and let the land bare.

  6. Victory Gardens were the rage during WWII. I guess it takes a war on the home-front to get people back to growing their own food stores. Sadly, food is too accessible and cheap in the stores.

  7. Almost everyone with a home garden and all that lovely fresh heathy food, and no food miles. Bees, bee keeping and meadow flowers. This really sounds such like such an idealistic normal. Thank you for showing this Huw. I loved watching your interview on Morag Gamble’s YT too.

  8. Slovenia is one of my favourite holiday countries… not yet because of the gardens, but because of the incredible abundance of nature: check out “Triglav National Park” and the Soça Valley”, it’s like a fairy tale landscape. When we were hiking in the Triglav National Park we expected a hobbit walking around the corner every moment. It’s magical! Since we visited Slovenia the first time 2016, we had to return every year!

  9. I was born in Wales and my father came here from Slovenia in 1947. He always kept an allotment along with chickens so I was raised on home grown food. He was born and brought up on a farm, which remains in the family, so it was second nature to him and you're right, nearly everyone there has a small vegetable plot. There is nothing quite like fresh lettuce from the garden. Just as well as they consume so much of it. Seeing Bled, Bohinj and Ljubljana on here is making me homesick for what I consider, the most beautiful country I know. Thank you x

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