July 7, 2024

VIDEO: Farmscaping for Pollinators & Predatory Insects

Discover key plants that add biodiversity and beauty to your farm & garden with Pat Battle. Learn about the dynamic interactions between plants, pollinator and predator insects that will help you create a buzz of biodiversity that helps sustain balance in your niche of the local ecosystem. Explore several more farmscaping video series on LivingWebFarms.org

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Farmscaping for Pollinators & Predatory Insects

  1. Man, I am so happy I found you guys. Your teaching not only makes sense, but the content of your videos is always packed full of information. Keep the videos coming. I'm eating them up. Maybe one day I could come down and see one of your farms. Blessings.

  2. A bug control that I use is compost tea in the soil before I plant and garlic and pepper spray when the plant start to mature – 5 years and no disease or bugs.

  3. Thank you for the video and sharing your wisdom about nature and it's relationship to gardening. I have been trying to control so much and it's time to relax and trust. I think many of us have been instilled with fear and have developed a confrontational/need to dominate attitude. When in fact the whole thing is a beautiful gift for us to enjoy. And for sure I'm going to back way off on the marigolds. I rarely see a beneficial on them.

  4. Spider mites??? Anything i have been lacking on why these became a problem and they pretty much just wanted to destroy my string beans was insane they spread from the outside to the 2nd floor deck garden also they seemed to like the marigolds on the deck

  5. Marigolds work great, but you have to understand that most varieties are many generations away from the wild varieties. Stick to varieties named French marigolds or even back to minimally tampered calendulae, the source for all of them.

  6. hi! thanks for sharing, love the class. i live in brasil, is not that kind of info. in my town we have a slug african pest out of control, but the municipality is not doing anythinh really. this guys pass very bad diseases to hummans. i read that i should crush them and creep it up
    into lime, to kill posibel eggs (each one puts 400) and the diseases too, but i don´t think that lime would be good for the garden. also the groundwater it´s too close. do you have any advise to help us? thanks so much!

  7. What can I do to help keep the Japanese beetles down? Hand picking I do but don’t always have an hour a day to dedicate. That have hit my grapevines and raspberries really hard.

  8. I've been watching videos from this channel for a while now. The way you point out eggs, and insects on camera and then talk about management in this video in particular…. wow. Makes this one of your best videos. In the top two for sure!!!! More please!

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