June 28, 2024

VIDEO: What I Teach My Kids About Raising Meat | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: What I Teach My Kids About Raising Meat | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. I come from a city I was city girl all the way and I was never taught to make the link of beef=cow but when your faced with people that hunt then you have to find where your beliefs are or you have to figure out how to teach your kids that the meat you eat was once alive so in using every possible part that animal has to offer you upon death the only thing you can do with the gift given is to use it and thank him for the gift of his life for yours . I was visiting my mom who lives around batesville and the first time I ever saw something butchered was a deer the neighbor had got one and I got to help with it it was a turning point for me as to the things I wanted to teach my kids about food life animals and the circle of it all. I love your show it has really inspired me to want to grow and learn more about homesteading really I just love to learn about everything . Anyway thank you for your inspiration

  2. I remember reading Laura Ingalls Wilder and her sharing about when they killed the meat cows. Thank you for having this conversation in the present day.

  3. going back and watching some of your old stuff. I 100% agree with you on meat. We raise chickens, rabbits, turkeys, and ducks to lessen our commercial meat consumption, and because we recognize that an animal died so that we could eat it.

  4. Jess, you are amazing! I honestly don't think I could raise an animal for food but you are right that I need to line up my convictions. I always make sure that I buy humanely raise animal products but I have always felt guilty about eating animals but knowing I couldn't be the one to raise an animal for food.

  5. I have a grandson who chose to become vegetarian (not vegan) when he was 5 years old because he no longer wanted to eat animals. Nobody else in the family is vegetarian, but we honor his choice and make sure he has a nutritious diet. He is now 20 years old.

  6. Huge disconnect from people and the life cycles of their food. We don’t eat meat solely because we could not kill animals ourselves. If that ever changes, we would eat the animal we killed with a strong sense of the value of that animal’s life. It’s a very different mindset than mindlessly eating a burger with no thought of where that meat came from.
    Works for us, glad to see someone teaching the value of life to their children
    You’re my pretend BFF Jess

  7. I would rather eat meat knowing that it was allowed to live and enjoy its life instead of being confined it's whole existence. Look at how much space your animals have to move around. Its great what your doing.

  8. JESS. I have been watching you for years since this video AND…..GUESS WHAT I am subscribed to Abundance Plus and SO PROUD OF YOU ALL. YOU ARE DOING IT! I Feel the same way and now trying to purchase a homestead and I am single with 3 kids. We are in 2021 and I watch all your episodes for years AND ORDER! LOVE YA

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