VIDEO: Permaculture food forest soil
Soil in the food forest is so different than the yard a Only 12 feet away. Organic material is the key.
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Permaculture, food forest, growing beyond organic local food, backyard chickens and ducks, backyard orchard, fruit trees, water harvesting and living a real world version of permaculture on the house hold scale.
Location: United States
Soil in the food forest is so different than the yard a Only 12 feet away. Organic material is the key.
Training a fruit tree helps you with many functions in your food forest.
True capitalism is good, government controlled capitalism sucks! If permaculture want to stand on its own feet it has to be able to pay for itself out side of donations. So permaculture systems need to generate its own income to get out of the hobby department to be truly self sustaining.
Making money is not hard if you do not look at business in a traditional way. By using abundance within a permaculture mindset, money should not be an issue. $30 to $120 an hour is not that hard.
Some things to think about in your permaculture garden . How to generate income and build brand your garden.
I went to Harvest Grocery in Chattanooga Tennessee. My experience and thoughts. Harvest Grocery was fun and turned me into a fan in one trip. This is the way to run a permaculture business or any business for that matter
Paw paw tree seedling in permaculture nursery. How to make money from your garden.
Through good design you can make money buy land or extend your system for free.
Olympia figs what are they really worth in terms of money for some one in permaculture mindset
My ducks were laying eggs in the tank and not in coop,a bummer for sure. I fixed this problem cheap and easy.
In my permaculture system I work with my ducks in many different ways. One is their eggs and this is a cheap and easy way to collect their eggs.
Potting up paw paw trees for permaculture nursery. Always use live soil for trees.
Using muscadines to vertical garden on side of building with permaculture
Permaculture food forest with annual vegetables. Yes that is permaculture.
How to keep your backyard chickens and ducks safe from predators. Raccoons to coyotes
What to do when leafs are turning yellow. Blood meal and comfrey.
How I save time and energy on my permaculture garden paths.
A close up on how I use the ducks to build soil life. A close up on moving duck water around the property.
Using different tanks that are plumbed in too harvest the very fertile water to beds and food forest.
By using permaculture ethics, I build soil with my chickens by sharing abundance and people care. The permaculture cycles are so cool if one follows them.
Plants want to live, they are not weak or babies once the make it a year or two. Plants like being with other plants and there is no reason to go crazy worrying about every weed. Permaculture shows to plant guilds, much better than mulch only
This is a new start up project that was put in last fall. The forest garden uses beds and no swells for a very important reason. I will show the progression over time to show how a permaculture project looks over time.
I was listening to The Survival podcast and Richard asked a question on show 1589. Made me think because I have noticed the same thing on people showing starting a food forest then they never show it as it grows. So I decided to make this video to show a 2-3 year old food forest…
permaculture design from Clint Locklear for 2015 PDC for Geoff Lawton