June 10, 2024

VIDEO: After Harvest Bed and Soil Care

Nothing Beats An Epic Harvest. It feels good to know all that hard work finally paid off and we have reaped the rewards. But the work isn’t over. Our soils need our help to recover. For crops like tomatoes and peppers and even peas where we simply pick the fruit leisurely and cut the plants…

VIDEO: DIY Natural Aphid And Insect Spray

Make Your Own Safe And Natural Insect Spray! Pesky aphids and those dreaded whiteflies don’t stand a chance! This is the time of year when insect outbreaks rear their ugly heads and start to invade our gardens. We’ve put way too much time and effort and sometimes money into growing our crops up to this…

VIDEO: 6 Crops That Give Us A Bonus Harvest!

Everyone Loves A Bonus! Two for the price of one…..buy one, get one free….nothing like getting a great deal and us gardeners are the best at sniffing them out! But in our world, even better than saving money, is double harvesting our favorite crops! And I don’t mean multi-harvesting like when you cut fresh herbs…

VIDEO: Top 5 Self Sufficient Crops

Everyone Wants To Be More Self Sufficient. One of the best ways to do that is to grow your own food. But within our commonly cultivated food crops, there are specific plants that rise above the others in terms of self propagation. In today’s video, we’ll look at the top 5 crops to grow this…

VIDEO: Baking Soda Pesticide and Fungicide Spray

Baking Soda Has Many Uses…..how about as a pesticide? Or maybe a fungicide? Today, let’s look at how to use Baking Soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate, in the garden for an effective treatment against aphids, whiteflies, thrips, caterpillars, spider mites as well as prevention of fungal outbreaks such as powdery mildew. There are a few caveats…

VIDEO: Seed Viability Test 101

Don’t Throw Away Those Old Seeds! Actually, don’t use them either… Old seeds, unknown or untrusted seeds, or just plain crops that aren’t working out. How can we know if we are the problem, or if the seeds are the problem? Simple. Do a Seed Viability Test! A quick paper towel test under optimal conditions…