June 7, 2024

VIDEO: Heat Waves: 8 Ways To Protect Your Plants

Heat Waves Are No Joke. Nothing takes down a plant faster than heat and drought. With climate throwing us a curveball every year, on top of all the other things that make gardening challenging, we need help….we need a reprieve!

In today’s video, I’ve got 8 strategies to help your garden and your plants this summer so that they can endure whatever the weather throws at them. Excessive heat and lack of moisture are big ones, but with these 8 tricks we can continue to grow healthy, happy plants, and STILL end up with great harvests!

2022 is the Year of the Garden! We deserve it after the last little while, and growing our own food and self sufficiency is just the reward we need to get back on track!

For more information on all your gardening questions, check out my other videos!:

DIY Safe and Natural Aphid Spray: https://youtu.be/LJTK8jk7g1k
How To Grow Strawberries!: https://youtu.be/T6-s7NomNTY
Fertilizing Strawberries: https://youtu.be/vZdsdcWCdOw
How To Grow Garlic: https://youtu.be/UgbWxSqpqws
6 Benefits Of Hydrogen Peroxide!: https://youtu.be/jU4N5PLKX7M
Pruning Pepper Plants Experiment!: https://youtu.be/s6jh_tcMfVw
Direct Seeding vs Starter Plant: https://youtu.be/TQWWtQu-r9U
100% Germination?: https://youtu.be/FqZ8tFrhWv0
Seed Starting Soil: https://youtu.be/OlLHCtHI6JY
Seed Starting 101, The Basics!: https://youtu.be/bRWac1OpxPY
Starting Tomato Seeds: https://youtu.be/qlEp0iDfB-k
Starting Pepper Seeds: https://youtu.be/mNqS1FpPWW8
Starting Cucumber Seeds: https://youtu.be/7aWeBavfubE
Starting Zucchini Seeds: https://youtu.be/LgHKLftASTQ
Starting Corn Seeds: https://youtu.be/2t2A2ZrdZ3k
Starting Pumpkin Seeds: https://youtu.be/kT_WR0e2EjI
DIY Ultimate Potting Mix: https://youtu.be/cP-7_7YT9jk

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2022, please check out my Amazon Affiliate links below to get the right tools for the job! It doesn’t cost you a cent, but this channel receives a small incentive for any items purchase through Amazon. Happy Gardening!

pH/Water/Light Meter

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3yafmrV
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3OKRW30
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3nvEIM4

Composting Tumbler!

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/39CgtYw
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/39Dha49
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3yLsKVf

Handy 12-piece Garden Tool Set!:

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3jsNIyk
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2YZhFwx
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3qapNql

Hand Pruners:

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/2YSIFxP
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3q3Oftq
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2YR3Xf8

Watering Can:

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/39U4nIc
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2YR3p94
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3oX7hAa

Spray Gun:

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3aBxijm
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3aL7UHS
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3ruol1Z

Gardening Gloves:

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/2Lt6ZDx
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3tzJ32t
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3jpf1cU

#garden #gardening #heatwaves

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Heat Waves: 8 Ways To Protect Your Plants

  1. If you're just starting out gardening in 2022, please check out my Amazon Affiliate links below to get the right tools for the job! It doesn't cost you a cent, but this channel receives a small incentive for any items purchase through Amazon. Happy Gardening!

    pH/Water/Light Meter

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3yafmrV

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3OKRW30

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3nvEIM4

    Composting Tumbler!

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/39CgtYw

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/39Dha49

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3yLsKVf

    Handy 12-piece Garden Tool Set!:

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3jsNIyk

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2YZhFwx

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3qapNql

    Hand Pruners:

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/2YSIFxP

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3q3Oftq

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2YR3Xf8

    Watering Can:

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/39U4nIc

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2YR3p94

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3oX7hAa

    Spray Gun:

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3aBxijm

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3aL7UHS

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3ruol1Z

    Gardening Gloves:

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/2Lt6ZDx

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3tzJ32t

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3jpf1cU

  2. California's monsoon season is starting, so hopefully we will get some pretty good storms. It's been in the 110's out here since may

  3. Records being broken this year. Way up in northern Illinois we experienced 105 in June. Anything I had on rollers was moved around the deck chasing after the shade. Thankfully nothing died but it was certainly a shock to the plants going from a rainy spring to intense summer so suddenly. I even tossed a few ice cubes into the tomato pots. Ground cherries on the other hand couldn't get enough of the heat and their growth increased drastically!

  4. Great video Jeff. I had a little chuckle when you mentioned not working in the sun in the major afternoon heat…. as I sit here watching your video waiting for the temp to drop a little 🙂 Stay cool

  5. Watering in the evening while the sun is going down giving the plants a chance to get hydrated for the coming day or recovery from the heat.
    Mulching helps or placing bottles of water directly in the soil or in plastic pegs that water deep down.

  6. Very hot in south central Pennsylvania here on the Frederick Maryland state line! Jeff, I lost all my cabbage plants to green worms, used need mixture in early evening, thanks to husband who thinks I’m crazy for trying to have food for what’s happening, he changed his mind after I bought all materials…

  7. Last summer wasn't the first time we've seen that kind of heat in the PNW. I remember well a summer in Seattle when I was a kid that was evenly brutally hot. We don't have global warming. We have geoengineering causing most of the issues we see including contamination of our ground water with aluminum, barium and strontium (the few contaminants in my spring water that cannot keep out surface water contamination). We had snow in April. THAT has not happened in my lifetime. All that said, thanks for the tips. They are very much appreciated.

  8. For people who are in the US south, try wicking beds. They conserve water, are relatively easy to make, and if you don't build huge ones, a two person job to move, if necessary, to shade.
    Unfortunately the heat waves are going to get worse, hotter, and last longer because we've driven gas guzzlers and use gas or heating oil for our homes.
    EPA figures show for each 1 ton vehicle (gross weight) it produces 4 TIMES it's weight in carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide.
    Planting drought tolerant shrubs, vines like grapes, can shade your house and garden.
    Old fashioned gardening needs to change so we all get the foods we grow.

  9. With have had 2 sand storms from North Africa reach us in the UK. The South East of England, inc London has been soo dry.

    I have been terribly ill the last two/ three weeks with high pollen counts. The dust is a major factor too. I haven't been able to breath through my nose as i already have pre existing sinus and asthma problems.

    Hubby is away this weekend so it's just our child and I, so i might wear a mask and chop up some more of the hay we bought for the mushroom bed on the grass and then mulch the containers more. Our courgettes are less productive than expected and even the succession ones are struggling this year. Doing it on the grass will also hide the bald patches and hopefully leave any seeds behind. I think in 2018, it was so hot an dry, like 34c for a week, we ended up with a huge deep crack in our clay lawn!

    Picking up our kid from school today, we walked past a brook that smelt awful. This stream leads to the Thames River. It usually has fish, shrimp, dragon flies and many other species of wildlife. We haven't seen any herons or ducks this year, which usually stop off on our roof!

    I have already moved most of my first early potatoes into the shade.

    We have some washing up bowls that we can use. Normally we work as a team with entertaining our only child and caring for the garden. Fingers crossed i can persuade our kid to help this weekend and get them in the mood for planting, rather than just harvesting!

  10. Using that potting soil with a lot of mulch helps a lot by holding a ton of moisture longer… when digging a hole dig it extra deep to refill it with that soil

  11. People need to examine their sunscreen. "[…] a report from independent laboratory Valisure revealed that 27 percent of the sunscreen and after-sun products it tested contained benzene, a carcinogen — and unsettlingly, many of them are household names." Dermatolgists now have a list of sunscreens for Recall. It's healthier to cover up with lightweight, breathable clothing.

  12. I started gardening last year, and I live in Germany. Usually, the temperatures would slowly creep up into the mid 70s this time of year. We had temperatures of about 90-100 °F where I live for about two months now, it is INSANE. I'm thinking of buing a citrus tree or sth.

  13. Hello Jeff, great info as always. I live in south west Missouri US in zone 6b we have been with out rain for about 5 weeks now. I grow everything in tubs because of the rocks, you can’t get a shovel in the ground. This year I have had too put up shade cloth and mulch with straw and it’s doing great temp’s have been in mid to upper 90’s with heat indexes well over the 100’s everything is doing fine so far.

  14. Do you mulch "all year round"
    I notice you mostly use straw – is freshly cut grass okay as well (or plant specific?)

    On another note – our Strawberries this year were rubbish…Nada.
    Must be time to replace the strawberry plants I think.

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