March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Creamy Leek and Potato Soup – 013

Welcome to a lovely heart-warming recipe to make in the cold weather. Very simple to do and is full of flavor. This recipe serves 4 hungry mouths. New gardening video will be up either tomorrow or Wednesday and if you haven’t subscribed already please do as you will help save a Koala. More information further…

VIDEO: How to Cut and Peel a Pomelo (and taste test)

Pomelo is a citrus fruit native to South and Southeast Asia. It is the largest citrus fruit and usually weighs around 1-2Kg. Very tasty and sweeter than a Grapefruit. Happy new year and feel free to list your new years resolutions below. Please subscribe to these channels:

VIDEO: Update on my Avocado Trees and Loquats

A update video on popular request of my Avocados and Loquats, the growing season has ended so soon in the spring they will start growing and I can’t wait. I hope you enjoyed this video and please like and favorite this and subscribe to a great gardening channel: and also my Facebook Page:…

VIDEO: Update and Transplant of my Honey Mango

Here is an update of one of my favorite projects I’ve done, growing a Honey Mango, and I’ve had great results 🙂 I will be keeping a close eye on this and I’m hoping to make some more videos over the weekend Check out my other channel: and these two great channels:…

VIDEO: Welcome to HuwsNursery

Thank you very much to everyone who has watched, rated or commented on any of my videos, please watch this short video if you are new to me and why my videos are worth your time and subscription.

VIDEO: How to use Honey for Rooting Cuttings

Honey is a great substitute with rooting hormone gel or powder. Honey lasts for hundreds o years and you barley need any for each cutting. In this video I demonstrate the method of using honey for rooting cuttings. Why should you sue honey? Well what it does is create a protective barrier around the cutting…

VIDEO: How to grow Broad Beans from seeds – Easy Steps

Broad beans are used in many different ways for cooking and can be eaten raw. Plant them in root trainers or deep pots before transplanting out into the garden bed (That will be part 2) to stop mice tunneling underneath and destroying them. Get up to 7 organic gardening questions for only $5