March 16, 2025

VIDEO: Grow Currants From Planting To Harvest

Forbidden fruits: Berries, banned? That’s right. In the USA currants were banned from being grown or sold for many years. This ban has since been lifted, and while UK and European gardeners are familiar with this fruit in their gardens, many Americans are yet to discover the wonders of currants. In this week’s episode, Ben…

VIDEO: Here's Why Pollination is Important 🐝

Unlike animals, plants can’t move around to find a mate, so they have to rely on pollination, mainly from insects. It’s how they reproduce. The question is, are your plants getting enough? Our job as gardeners is to help our plants to achieve pollination, so that we can increase our chances of a bumper crop…

VIDEO: My Top 10 Time Saving Tips Revealed ⏰

So much to do, so little time? We hear you! You want to grow as much yummy produce as you can, without as much of the back-breaking work that can come with gardening…unless you know some of these hacks, which our good friend Ben is about to reveal… Our backs are thanking you already, Ben!…

VIDEO: Grow Perfect Zucchini Every Time! 💚

Want to put the ZOOSH in your zucchini? Put some COOOR in your courgettes? Well there are a few tricks of the trade you need to know first. Luckily, Ben, your friendly backyard gardener is here to the rescue with his top tips for growing Perfect Zukes every time! 💚 You’ll need good quality soil…

VIDEO: If I Could Only Grow 10 Crops, I'd Choose These…

Stores running out of food, prices soaring…gardening can come to the rescue! Take charge of your food security and grow your own delicious veggies! But how do you know what to choose? Here are Ben’s Top 10 inflation-beating crops. It’s the final countdown! Binge watch these videos! Swat up and get more bang for your…

VIDEO: Dirt CHEAP Tricks for an Abundant Garden 💰

Don’t let inflation give you nightmares. Take charge: Keep calm and carry on gardening! If only we had a magic wand that could magically make groceries cheaper! Well, we have the next best thing – Ben’s top money saving tips for an abundant garden! With over 20 tried and tested inflation-busting tips and tricks, you…

VIDEO: Budget Busting Plants💰More Food For Free! 🌱

Beat inflation! Go forth and multiply! The cost of living may have gone up, from rocketing fuel prices to inflated food prices, but don’t worry! This video is going to empower you to maximise the yields of your crops through the wonderful propagation technique of division. Yes, you can get more food for free! Swat…

VIDEO: Grow Perfect Carrots Every Time! 🥕

Everyone loves crunchy carrots! But aren’t they really hard to grow..? It’s easy, if you know how! Ben gets to the root of the matter in this week’s episode in his complete guide to growing the best carrots from sowing to harvest. Get your crunch on! If you love growing your own food, why not…

VIDEO: Grow Perfect Kale Every Time!

“Eat your greens!” they said…and they weren’t wrong! Kale, (like all leafy greens) are some of the healthiest foods you can eat. Nutritious, delicious… and so easy to grow! What’s not to like? In fact, they’re so delicious that it seems everything in your garden wants to eat them too… Ben teaches what to look…

VIDEO: Largest Garden Harvest of 2021 and Bunny Update!!!

#AcreHomestead #GardenTour #SummerHarvest #Garden2021 Instagram @Acre Homestead WOW, that was one massive harvest day!! It was so fun getting out into the garden and harvest so much beautiful produce! I can’t wait to get inside and turn all of this homegrown goodness into something amazing to eat! You can find my recipes on –…

VIDEO: They are Caught STEALING my Back Yard Garden Cover Crop

They are Caught STEALING my Back Yard Garden Cover Crop Mycorrhizal list : FACEBOOK Page : Subscribe to My CHANNEL : Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : . How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners,…