VIDEO STARTS AT 12:18. Comment and Subscribe if you enjoyed the video!
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VIDEO STARTS AT 12:18. Comment and Subscribe if you enjoyed the video!
Companion planting is a great technique to use in the garden. Today I go through some concepts and examples of companion planting. Subscribe: Facebook: BLUEBERRIES Everything You Need To Know!: BLACK RASPBERRIES, Everything You Need To Know!: Epic Permaculture Food Forest:
Black Raspberries are an easy fruit to, and they are packed with intense flavor. This video will give you the information you need to grow productive Black Raspberries! Thanks for the kind words and support SUPPORT ME AND TUCK →Amazon affiliate link: →Merchandise: MY FAVORITE GARDEN PRODUCTS! → Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON…
Here are 5 easy to grow fruits that you can get in the ground this year. Most of these fruits will be giving you harvests by next year, and most are perennial which means you only have to plant them once! Thanks for the kind words and support SUPPORT ME AND TUCK →Amazon affiliate…
The Food Forest is getting out of control! Everything is growing well and we are already getting delicious harvests! Thanks for the kind words and support SUPPORT ME AND TUCK →Amazon affiliate link: →Merchandise: MY FAVORITE GARDEN PRODUCTS! → Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON CODE: TUCK →Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant: →6…
This year is shaping up to be our biggest and best ever. The food forest is geared toward high production, and this year it’s going to pay off. If you liked the video please share and spread the knowledge and inspiration of gardening. Subscribe: Facebook: AMAZING Garden, Back To Eden:
Winter is finally over and spring has sprung. 2017 looks like it will shape up to be our most productive year ever. Subscribe: Facebook: AMAZING Garden, Back To Eden:
See the GrowVeg book here: Does your garden feel like an endless ‘To Do’ list? Don’t despair – it doesn’t have to be that way! There are ways to make life easier for yourself and speed up the process. Preparing vegetable beds, laying essential paths, raising plants from seed and keeping your…
Here are some plants that i have added to my BACKYARD garden …….:)have a look Daizz tip:- “I was smiling yesterday,I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow.Simply because life is too short to cry for anything.” keep smiling …:)….takecare Guys..:) MUSIC:-] Buddha by Kontekst Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY…
My Home Fruit Garden Tour……….:) Daizzz :-If you are not able to come in person, you can access my Fruit Garden Tour from the comfort of your home computer/device……..njoy..:) Music:- Buddha by Kontekst Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0… Music provided by Audio Library Song: Prismo – Weakness [NCS…
“Don’t speak just listen” Subscribe: Facebook: High Production Food Forest:
The food forest feels more and more like a true forest with every passing week. It’s an amazing feeling to have a way to escape into nature when living in a suburban setting, not to mention all the food that comes along with it. Facbook:
This is the next video following the progression of the food forest. Twice a week I will be uploading a video showing how the food forest is coming along. Thanks for watching Facebook:
This is the next video following the progression of the food forest. Twice a week I will be uploading a video showing how the food forest is coming along. Thanks for watching Facebook:
A short video on the method I will be using this year to grow my tomato plants. I will continue to update you guys throughout the year on the progression, and see if this is the method I will be using in the future.
The Suburban New Jersey Food Forest is really starting to come together. I have set out hundreds of transplants that are going to fill in the spaces between the perennials to utilize maximum space and obtain maximum yield on the small space I have. Facebook:
A compilation of clips documenting the 2015 growing season. Thanks for following along with us
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See the GrowVeg book here: Whether you’re planning to grow a small kitchen herb garden, or to produce enough food to feed your family, containers can add the flexibility which helps make your garden a success this year. Growing in containers is very popular, and the variety of containers available is constantly…