March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Biological Pest Control – Mans Organics

▶️Join my membership site: Check out Mans Organics – ▶️Online courses: ▶️Sign Up For My Newsletter: Buy my book here: Use this discount code for $15 off: newsub DONATE TO THE SHOW!! $5 – $10 – $20 – Donate any amount – About Urban Farmer Curtis…

VIDEO: Interplanting Greenhouse Crops What's a Weed and what's a beneficial?

▶️Join my membership site: Check out Mans Organics – ▶️Online courses: ▶️Sign Up For My Newsletter: Buy my book here: Use this discount code for $15 off: newsub DONATE TO THE SHOW!! $5 – $10 – $20 – Donate any amount – About Urban Farmer Curtis…

VIDEO: Buying Biology: Beneficial Organisms for Disease and Pest Control Part 8

Award winning entomologist, Dr. Richard McDonald, together with Pat Battle will focus on how to incorporate beneficial biological introductions and match them with preventive measures as our first line of defense against insect and disease pressure. Farmscaping, multi-species cover crops, minimal soil disturbance, and proper mineral availability are some of the many ways growers create…

VIDEO: Buying Biology: Beneficial Organisms for Disease and Pest Control Part 7

Award winning entomologist, Dr. Richard McDonald, together with Pat Battle will focus on how to incorporate beneficial biological introductions and match them with preventative measures as our first line of defense against insect and disease pressure. Farmscaping, multi-species cover crops, minimal soil disturbance, and proper mineral availability are some of the many ways growers create…

VIDEO: Going big like…

CHECK THEM OUT! ▶️Sign Up For My Newsletter: ▶️Read my blog: ▶️Follow me on Twitter: @FarmerCStone ▶️Watch us on Instagram: @greencityacres Buy my book here: Use this discount code for $15 off: newsub Subscribe | Watch more from Curtis Stone : UPCOMING ON-FARM WORKSHOPS: July 14, 2018 -…

VIDEO: Dealing With Aphids: Pest Control Tips & How To Protect Your Plants

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Aphids are one of the most common garden pests, infesting and weakening our crops while spreading plant diseases. As a gardener you have the power to fight back using organic, nature-friendly techniques to banish aphids from your garden. In this short video we’ll share five simple but…

VIDEO: Bug Hotel: How to Make a Home for Beneficial Insects

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Beneficial insects are an essential part of any successful vegetable or fruit garden. They help us by eating pests and by pollinating crops but to to make sure there are lots of them in the garden in time for spring, they need some protection during the colder…

VIDEO: MIgardener Has Bees!

Yes, that is right folks! We had a wild swarm, already established, and looking for a new home, so we gave them just that! The process went flawless, and I am happy to say I am now a beekeeper. Big Swarm – FOLLOW ME! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: TUMBLR:…

VIDEO: Farmscaping with Patryk Battle, Part 5

Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at Learn the ‘who, what, when, where, why & how’ of farmscaping to maximize diversity for a healthy garden. Grow a banquet for beneficials, and they will come. See farmscaping examples, best plants for each crop/season and other essential components to…

VIDEO: Farmscaping with Patryk Battle, Part 2

Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at Learn the ‘who, what, when, where, why & how’ of farmscaping to maximize diversity for a healthy garden. Grow a banquet for beneficials, and they will come. See farmscaping examples, best plants for each crop/season and other essential components to…

VIDEO: Farmscaping with Dr. McBug 20

Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at Award winning entomologist Dr. Richard McDonald along with Pat Battle teach at the Mills River Educational Farm presenting Farmscaping principles and specifics to work with creating maximum synergy and balancing insects and plants in your garden or farm.

VIDEO: Farmscaping with Dr. McBug 19

Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at Award winning entomologist Dr. Richard McDonald along with Pat Battle teach at the Mills River Educational Farm presenting Farmscaping principles and specifics to work with creating maximum synergy and balancing insects and plants in your garden or farm.

VIDEO: Farmscaping with Dr. McBug 18

Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at Award winning entomologist Dr. Richard McDonald along with Pat Battle teach at the Mills River Educational Farm presenting Farmscaping principles and specifics to work with creating maximum synergy and balancing insects and plants in your garden or farm.

VIDEO: Farmscaping with Dr. McBug 17

Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at Award winning entomologist Dr. Richard McDonald along with Pat Battle teach at the Mills River Educational Farm presenting Farmscaping principles and specifics to work with creating maximum synergy and balancing insects and plants in your garden or farm.

VIDEO: Farmscaping with Dr. McBug 12

Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at Award winning entomologist Dr. Richard McDonald along with Pat Battle teach at the Mills River Educational Farm presenting Farmscaping principles and specifics to work with creating maximum synergy and balancing insects and plants in your garden or farm.

VIDEO: Farmscaping with Dr. McBug 10

Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at Award winning entomologist Dr. Richard McDonald along with Pat Battle teach at the Mills River Educational Farm presenting Farmscaping principles and specifics to work with creating maximum synergy and balancing insects and plants in your garden or farm.

VIDEO: Farmscaping with Dr. McBug 9

Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at Award winning entomologist Dr. Richard McDonald along with Pat Battle teach at the Mills River Educational Farm presenting Farmscaping principles and specifics to work with creating maximum synergy and balancing insects and plants in your garden or farm.

VIDEO: Farmscaping with Dr. McBug 5

Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at Award winning entomologist Dr. Richard McDonald along with Pat Battle teach at the Mills River Educational Farm presenting Farmscaping principles and specifics to work with creating maximum synergy and balancing insects and plants in your garden or farm.