March 22, 2025

VIDEO: 심심해서 해본 자두삽목!!ㅣHow to grow plum tree from a cutting

How to grow plum tree from a cutting +음악(Youtube free music) Rain Slow Times Over Here +카메라(camera) 아이폰6S (iPhone 6s) +편집프로그램 (Editing program) 프리미어 프로 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC) +촬영/편집 : Black네모 instagram : hello_gardening7 #자두삽목 #plum #plumcutting + Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA)

VIDEO: 장미를 감자에 꽂으면? 망함!!ㅣHow to plant failed rose in potato

Rose cuttings using a medium potato? Do not It fails. 한국,외국분들이 장미를 감자에 꽂아 삽목하는 방법을 올리는 영상들이 많은데 장미를 감자에 꽂는 영상만 올리고 결과를 올리는 사람 없어 많이들 따라합니다 그래서 장미감자삽목 성공한 영상은 보지 못해 제가 직접 실험을 해보았습니다. 결과는 실패하였습니다. 장미삽목은 저렇게 하면 100% 성공율이 낮다고 생각되어 알리기위해 영상을 올린것입니다. 모두 좋은하루되세요~♥ +음악(Youtube…

VIDEO: Plant a Tree, Save the Planet

PLANT A TREE, PLANT A LIFE Daizz’s Tip-He that plants trees loves others besides himself “The community that plants together, grows together” A tree planting activity was held on 22 nd July 2018 promoting a greener world🌏 and environmental action🏜 With sincere gratitude for your kindness I thank you all for your participation ….it means…

VIDEO: How To Propagate Plants with Cuttings

Share the joy of propagating plants with others by getting started in making live cuttings that will get you leaps and bounds ahead of propagating by seed in many cases. Patryk Battle demonstrates the ease and simplicity one can utilize to have way more of certain plants desired for the farm or garden, even if…

VIDEO: FREE! How to get more Tomato Plants from Cuttings I am classing this video as an experiment as I’ve never tried this before but from what I know, most things are right! 2 days later and the cuttings are looking healthy so there should be some roots soon! A thanks to GardenFrugal who inspired me to try this out: And MyImprovGarden’s channel:…

VIDEO: How to Propagate Grape Vines from semi-ripe cuttings

My video for the weekend, I will demonstrate the easy method of propagating Grape vines from semi-ripe cuttings, In the Summertime. They will start fruiting in about 3-4 years if pruned properly. You may want to use rooting hormone or honey to help rooting. Detailed information: Update:

VIDEO: How to use Honey for Rooting Cuttings

Honey is a great substitute with rooting hormone gel or powder. Honey lasts for hundreds o years and you barley need any for each cutting. In this video I demonstrate the method of using honey for rooting cuttings. Why should you sue honey? Well what it does is create a protective barrier around the cutting…