March 25, 2025

VIDEO: How to Make a $5 DIY Compost Sifter EASY!

A compost sifter is something that will save time and money in the long run, and will help to improve the quality of your harden soil. Sifting is also great exercise, so you can stay healthy and in shape even while doing something as relaxing as gardening. Remember to like, comment, and share! .99 Heirloom…

VIDEO: How to Fertilize Your Garden With Molasses

This quick organic tip should get your garden rocking and rolling! I hope you all enjoy, and please do try this it is cheap, simple, and very effective. Here is the molasses that I use: FOLLOW ME! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: TUMBLR: G+: Send mail to: PO box…

VIDEO: How To Properly Start Flat Bodied Seeds Like Pumpkin

There are many flat bodied seeds. Some of these are: Pumpkin, squash, zucchini, cantalope, cucumber, watermelon, marrow, gourds, and so many more! This tip will get your seeds sprouting better, and giving you better success when planting a fewer amount of seeds. MIgardener Website Join the fun on facebook @ +1 me on…

VIDEO: How to Save Big Money by Growing Food (A Complete Guide)

Thanks for watching and subscribing! It is amazing to have so many of you wanting to grow food and garden organically! Here is a gift for you that will help you save loads of money by growing your own food: Find us on Facebook: See us on Blogger Get up to 7…

VIDEO: Simple Tip For Growing Bigger Pumpkins

Do you always have small pumpkins even though the package says “Grows HUGE 20-50lb. pumpkins” but you just can’t seem to get that size? or maybe you can get nice size pumpkins but they never ripen! This tip takes out most of that error, if you have trouble growing the pumpkin, that is for another…

VIDEO: The Benefits of Mulching Tomatoes

Much like the back to Eden method, I prefer to just refer this as the “back to common sense” gardening. because it is so common sense, and I think everyone should do this. I have seen at my house and time and time again the effects of mulching is just stunning. MIgardener Store: Join…

VIDEO: How to make Hanging Planters from Tin Cans In this video you will learn how to make easy hanging planters from tin cans. You start off by filling them with water and freezing them to make it easier to nail the holes, simply tie on some string, add a plant and done. Larger tins could be used for Alpine Strawberries and vegetables…

VIDEO: How to Make an Easy Self-Watering Container for Herbs and Vegetables In this video I show you a really easy way to make a self-watering container out of some large cups but you could use anything. Please give it a go it’s great! I have just written a post about bottle tower gardens and check it out: Please subscribe to my Newsletter here:

VIDEO: Growing cactus fruits are easy

In February I took two cuttings from a Nopales Cactus and placed one in a container in direct sunlight and the other in the ground in a shaded area, one of the cactus in the shade didn’t produce any fruit but just an additional three leaves, the other which was in direct sunlight produced three…

VIDEO: How to Save Tomato Seeds – Seed Saving Series

Website: The second episode in a series of several seed saving videos. In this episode i will show you how to save seeds the right way useing the FERMENTATION process. hope you enjoy! and stay tunes for more! Send mail to: PO box 131 Marysville, MI 48040 450+ varieties of Heirloom & Non-GMO Vegetable…