March 18, 2025


I promised my grandpa that I would make quince liquor for Christmas when he gave me my quince. So 6 weeks ago I chopped up the quince, add sugar and alcohol. And because I need an excuse to try it because I am getting too impatient for Christmas, lol, I’m making a second one with…


Are you making more kombucha than you can keep up with drinking? Do what I did, and forget about a batch for a month or two – and tada, you have vinegar. I’m really excited to start making vinegar because I buy a lot of it, for clean and cooking. And the idea of having…


Okay, I grew the most perfect specimen of kham yeast that anyone has ever seen, and have proven myself to be the worst fermenter of all time, lol. If you are wondering what that funky stuff on the top of your ferment is, look no further for a kham yeast comparison, lol. Luckily, it isn’t…


Wondering how to make yogurt? Join Serina for Fermentation Friday, as she shows you her first attempt at making her own yogurt with really simple home tools – which was actually a success! I was a little intimidated by making yogurt because no one wants to mess around with stinky dairy, but this recipe was…

VIDEO: Ferment Everything!

Catch the excitement of making fermented foods at home. Learn the basic processes that will help you find creative ways to ferment many different things. Boost your gut health and add tantalizing flavors to your everyday dishes by pairing them with ferments of all kinds. Meredith Leigh and Pat Battle give us insights and ideas…