March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Asparagus Spears – Seed to Harvest

If you enjoy my videos then consider supporting me by Get ready to grow your own delicious and healthy asparagus with “Growing Asparagus Spears – Seed to harvest”! In this comprehensive and informative video, you’ll learn everything you need to know to successfully grow a Perennial Vegetable such as growing asparagus from seeds…

VIDEO: Alfalfa Pellets As Fertilizer For Your Garden

Alfalfa Is The Ultimate Organic Slow Release Fertilizer! Alfalfa Pellets and Alfalfa Meal are fantastic additions to your soil amendment schedule for several reasons. An excellent source of slow-release Nitrogen, Alfalfa Pellets can boost your plant’s photosynthetic capacity and send your yields to the next level, both for indoor growing and outdoors. In this video…

VIDEO: How To Make Bone Meal

Make Your Own Bone Meal! Bone Meal is one of the most popular soil amendments for vegetable and flower gardeners around the world. Use as a rich source of Phosphorus as well as Calcium, Bone Meal as a slow-release organic amendment is very effective in getting the most out of your plants. While readily available…

VIDEO: Awesome Homemade Liquid Fertilizer for all type of Plants (Liquid Fertilizer) || (Secret Fertilizer)

#AnkitTerraceGardening #LiquidFertilizer #HomemadeFertilizer #SecretFertilizer Follow Me On Amazon for buying Good quality Gardening Products Best For YouTube Video Making : Laptop for Editing (Apple MacBook Air) AmazonBasics 50-Inch Lightweight Tripod with Bag Microphone For PC Computer Laptop Gaming Sound Recording OnePlus 7 Pro (Mirror Grey, 6GB RAM, 128GB Storage) OnePlus…

VIDEO: (Eng Sub) 쌀로 식물영양제 만들기ㅣ How to Fertilize Any Plants With Rice Water

식물에 따라 일주일~1달에 한번씩 쌀뜨물을 주면 천연 영양제가 되며 쌀뜨물의 영양분이 전해져 더 건강하게 자랄 수 있습니다 😀 I use it about once a week. +음악(Youtube free music) Slow Times Over Here.mp3 English_Country_Garden.mp3 +카메라(camera) 아이폰6S (iPhone 6s) 갤럭시S9+ (Galaxy S9 Plus) +편집프로그램 (Editing program) 프리미어 프로 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC) +촬영/편집 : Korean Gardener 초록식물TV…

VIDEO: What Happens When You Bury a Fish Head Under a Tomato Plant?

This video shows what happens when you bury a fish head under a tomato plant in the garden. Support me on Patreon: Help support the Channel and buy a T-shirt/Merchandise from our Spreadshirt shop: or Teespring (below the video). Go here to get Birdies Raised Garden bed in the USA: and use…

VIDEO: What Happens When You Use Ash in the Garden?

This video shows what happens when you use ash from a fire in the vegetable garden and around fruit trees. Support me on Patreon: Go here to get Birdies Raised Garden bed in the USA: and use SSME2020 for a 5% discount. In Australia & New Zealand go to or and…

VIDEO: 심심해서 해본 자두삽목!!ㅣHow to grow plum tree from a cutting

How to grow plum tree from a cutting +음악(Youtube free music) Rain Slow Times Over Here +카메라(camera) 아이폰6S (iPhone 6s) +편집프로그램 (Editing program) 프리미어 프로 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC) +촬영/편집 : Black네모 instagram : hello_gardening7 #자두삽목 #plum #plumcutting + Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA)

VIDEO: 양파껍질로 식물영양제 만들기ㅣHow We Use onion peel in Our Garden

onion peel fertilizer +음악(Youtube free music) Rain Slow Times Over Here +카메라(camera) 아이폰6S (iPhone 6s) +편집프로그램 (Editing program) 프리미어 프로 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC) +촬영/편집 : Black네모 instagram : hello_gardening7 #양파껍질 #onionpeel #fertilizer + Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA)

VIDEO: April Garden Update 2018

This is an update about what we have growing in our garden in mid-April. We are working to transition our garden from spring veggies to summer crops. We have limited space so it is a juggling act when shifting from one season’s crops to another. I said “Hitton Chinese Cabbage” several times. I should have…

VIDEO: How To Make Organic Fertilizer-FREE OF COST

How To Make World’s Best Homemade Organic Fertilizer-how to make homemade fertilizer especially for your rose plants-free of cost DAIZZ’S TIP:-When it comes to organic gardening, the options for all-natural fertilizers can often be scarce on the shelves at your average supply store. Those that do exist are more expensive and while they may say…

VIDEO: How To Calculate Your Compost Needs

How To Calculate Your Compost Needs Subscribe: | Follow my IG: @greencityacres Watch more from Curtis Stone : UPCOMING ON-FARM WORKSHOPS: Feb 26-Mar 2, 2018 – Arizona tickets: June 18-22, 2018 – Hemmingford, QC: July 14, 2018 – Sweden: July 19-22, 2018 – Sweden: Buy the book here:…


Vlog170. How I saved money to start my farm. Setting goals, watching the numbers and keeping your eye on the prize! Subscribe: | Follow my IG: @greencityacres Watch more from Curtis Stone : UPCOMING ON-FARM WORKSHOPS: Feb 26-Mar 2, 2018 – Arizona tickets: June 18-22, 2018 – Hemmingford, QC: July…