VIDEO: First Spring Update
Spring is finally here which means its time to start getting some stuff in the ground. Plants in the greenhouse are doing well, and I need to transplant out some kale, so this is me doing some daily work.
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Spring is finally here which means its time to start getting some stuff in the ground. Plants in the greenhouse are doing well, and I need to transplant out some kale, so this is me doing some daily work.
A compilation of clips documenting the 2015 growing season. Thanks for following along with us 🙂
The second part of the Food Forest update. I give a few different examples of growing things on a time scale in the garden. Music by: Teshuva Watch Part 1:
Showing how the fruit trees are doing after the transplant. In a former video I used an unconventional transplanting technique and heavy pruning to avoid problems that come with root bound trees.
An update on the progression of the food forest, and some information regarding growing one.
The Food Forest is looking lush and the production is starting to come on. Feel free to ask any questions, and please give your advice or opinions.
My dog harvested his own radish from the garden.
This is a new start up project that was put in last fall. The forest garden uses beds and no swells for a very important reason. I will show the progression over time to show how a permaculture project looks over time.
I was listening to The Survival podcast and Richard asked a question on show 1589. Made me think because I have noticed the same thing on people showing starting a food forest then they never show it as it grows. So I decided to make this video to show a 2-3 year old food forest…
Progression of the food forest with a new camera. Feel free to leave any comments or questions!
The Food Food forest is really starting to come alive, even with the little amount of rain we have had. Channel with Paul Gautschi videos:
Explaining the utilization of edible annuals to mimic the natural succession of a food forest
An update on the progression of the food forest as the summer begins to draw to a close. I share some of my ideas for the fall garden, and bring you guys a long for a clip of the harvest.
The progression of the food forest, and todays harvest at the end.
Today’s harvest and an explanation of the system we have set up.
I hope that this video inspires you! Know that you can do this if you want.
Organic gardening that is blossoming into a food forest. Don’t be a zealot and learn from successful people, mold their ideologies into the system that works for you.
Permaculture food forest is progressing along with very little maintenance, and a discussion on yield.
Food Forest progression, the importance of balance, and the use of microclimates.
Tour of the progression of the food forest, and hopefully some inspiration.
Food forest tour, a walk through of the progression of the food forest.
Food Forest Update on how the plants are coming along. The abundance of food is a nice problem to have.
The succession of our annual garden towards a perennial based system.
I talk about how our current system is pioneering the way for a future self-sustaining food forest. I am using all different kinds of annuals; including nitrogen fixers, dynamic accumulators, and also biomass accumulators to help build soil fertility, and to provide an ideal environment for young fruit trees and bushes. The Polyculture planting style…