March 23, 2025

VIDEO: How to grow Broad Beans from seeds – Easy Steps

Broad beans are used in many different ways for cooking and can be eaten raw. Plant them in root trainers or deep pots before transplanting out into the garden bed (That will be part 2) to stop mice tunneling underneath and destroying them. Get up to 7 organic gardening questions for only $5

VIDEO: How to grow Parsnips from seed

Parsnips are best roasted with a drizzle of honey with your own homegrown ones. In this video, the first of the vegetable Gardening series I will show you how you can grow your own parsnips for little money! Get up to 7 organic gardening questions for only $5

VIDEO: Propagating Soapwort from cuttings

This YouTube video shows how to propagate soapwort from cuttings to make a natural shampoo. The process involves taking cuttings just below the first set of leaves, removing the bottom leaves, dipping them in hormone powder, and planting them in compost. The cuttings should be kept moist in a polytunnel or greenhouse until they root, which takes about two weeks.