June 25, 2024

VIDEO: Preserving Herbs: How to Preserve & Store Your Homegrown Herb Cuttings

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Fresh herbs can transform meals into something really special, but many herbs die back in winter so it’s worth preserving your harvest before this happens to ensure a continued supply through to next spring. Air drying, microwave drying, freezing, and mixing into butter, vinegars or oils are…

VIDEO: How to Ripen Green Tomatoes

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. At this time of year many gardeners wonder if their green tomatoes will ever ripen. Fortunately there are some simple techniques that can help. When temperatures begin to drop, tomatoes stop ripening so it’s time to take action! Fruits can be brought inside or whole plants can…

VIDEO: Saving Tomato Seeds: How to Prepare and Store Seeds from Your Tomato Plants

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Tomatoes come in a wonderful array of different types each with their own unique shape, size and taste. Growing heritage or heirloom tomatoes helps preserve this fantastic diversity of fruit for future generations. In this short video we explain which kinds of tomatoes you can harvest seeds…

VIDEO: Growing Strawberries: How to Grow New Strawberry Plants from Runners

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Fresh homegrown strawberries are a delicious taste of summer, but there are never enough! Fortunately, it’s easy to make more – absolutely free. Strawberries produce long, leafless stalks called runners. These can be used to propagate new strawberry plants which are ready to begin cropping next season.…

VIDEO: Blight: 5 Ways to Control Potato Blight (Late Blight)

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Potato blight first shows itself as brownish-black spots on leaves, but before long the potato foliage can completely collapse and the potatoes themselves will rot. Unfortunately, in many areas potato blight is inevitable. This persistent disease can ruin potato crops in next to no time so it’s…

VIDEO: Urban Gardening: Growing Lettuce & Salad Leaves in Containers

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Sowing salads now for fresh, young leaves in a matter of weeks is a great way to make the most of what’s left of the growing season. Cut-and-come-again salad leaves are quick and easy to grow and small enough to fit into almost any container, making them…

VIDEO: Succession Planting: How to Harvest More From Your Vegetable Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Sowing or planting into gaps left behind after a crop is harvested is known as succession planting. Filling gaps as soon as crops are harvested will maximize the amount of food you can grow, making your garden space even more valuable and helping to reduce weed growth.…

VIDEO: Quick-maturing Plants: 5 Fast Growing Vegetables to Try

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. As vegetables are harvested, gaps will inevitably appear in your garden. However, leaving bare soil exposes your garden to weeds and can make it more prone to erosion, plus it means your garden isn’t being as productive as it could be. Fill those gaps with quick-growing vegetables…

VIDEO: Tomato Cages: How to Make Supports for Healthier Tomato Plants

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Training and supporting your tomatoes correctly is essential to help you get the best possible harvest from your plants. It’s important to ensure that tomatoes get enough air circulation and that the fruits are well supported to prevent branch breakage and slug damage. Correct pruning and training…

VIDEO: Garden Trellis – How to Make the Best Supports for Climbing Vegetables

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Training climbing vegetables up supports is a great way to get maximum yield from minimum space. Building your own supports is easy, fun and can make an impressive feature in your garden. If you’re growing climbing peas, beans, cucumbers or any other vining plant, you’ll need to…

VIDEO: Growing Potatoes in Containers – How to Grow Potatoes in Bags or Pots

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Growing Potatoes is a hugely satisfying experience and doesn’t require a large portion of your garden for a successful crop. Potatoes are also fantastic fun to grow with your family especially finding the treasure when they’re ready to harvest. In this video we explain what’s required to…

VIDEO: Plant Pollination – How to Encourage Pollinating Bees into Your Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Bees are essential to life in the vegetable garden so we’ve pulled together some simple tips to help get your garden buzzing. Whether you grow vegetables, fruit, herbs or a combination of them all, you can easily add plants which will attract beneficial pollinating insects. In this…

VIDEO: How to Make Biodegradable Plant Pots – Homemade Seed Starting Pots

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Spring is finally arriving, so to help you save a little money why not try our simple homemade plant pot ideas? Whatever you’re planning to grow this year, using common materials from around your home you can quickly create environmentally friendly pots in a range of useful…

VIDEO: Growing Tomatoes: Choosing Varieties and Giving Your Plants the Best Possible Start

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. There are so many wonderful kinds of tomatoes that it’s worth spending a little time choosing the best varieties for you and your garden. Whether it’s a taste, size, appearance, disease resistance or use in the kitchen that makes a particular tomato stand out for you, there…

VIDEO: 5 Super-Early Vegetables to Start in Winter

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Winter can be a frustrating time for us gardeners. If you’re missing some fresh homegrown produce, we’ve got you covered… When choosing plants that can be started early, follow our simple criteria to ensure you start harvesting in just a few weeks. In this video we identify…

VIDEO: Pumpkin Carving Tips & Tricks: Easy Ideas to Create Amazing Halloween Pumpkins

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Whether this is your first attempt at carving a pumpkin or your one hundredth, there are many imaginative ways to create something special. One reason pumpkin carving is so popular is because it’s really fun to do, especially with your children or grandchildren. In this video we…

VIDEO: How to Grow, Cure and Store Pumpkins

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Pumpkins are the trademark fall vegetable, and stores love to cash in on this, but if you have the room to grow your own, you can benefit from the enhanced flavor and cost savings for months to come. Whatever the size of your growing space, with a…

VIDEO: Garden Pests – How to Deal With Slugs and Snails – Stopping Slugs in Your Vegetable Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Creating an environment that your plants will thrive in is essential for their long-term health, but it’s also important to be aware of pests which can damage them. Slugs and snails are often named as the gardener’s worst enemy, but there are many ways in which you…

VIDEO: Weeds You Can Eat

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Weeding your garden is important to give your veggies and herbs the best possible chance to grow well – but did you know that some of the most common garden weeds are edible? Weeding need never be a chore again if you use it as an opportunity…

VIDEO: Feeding Your Plants for Free – How to Make Fertilizer for Your Vegetable Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Creating good nutrient rich soil for your plants to grow in will greatly improve their health, but it’s also important to understand when they may need feeding too. There are many commercial products available to feed your plants with, but you can’t beat making your own organic…

VIDEO: Gardening Hacks – 10 Simple Tips for a Successful Vegetable Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Growing your own food successfully is a constant process of learning which techniques work best for you and your plants. Often simple bits of advice from other gardeners can help provide shortcuts to achieving success in your garden. In this video we demonstrate ten quick tips handed…

VIDEO: Using the Garden Planner to Plan a Vegetable Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. The Garden Planner is web-based software that puts the information you need at your fingertips while planning a productive garden. A comprehensive selection of vegetables, fruit, herbs and companion planting flowers are available complete with Grow Guides. It’s easy to sketch out your garden area, add objects…

VIDEO: How to Grow Chocolate M&Ms – Free Chocolate from Your Garden!

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Whether you’re encouraging your kids to start gardening, or just want to save money on your grocery bills, growing your own chocolate makes a lot of sense. It’s well known that chocolate can be a difficult treat to grow, especially getting the fruit to mature with the…

VIDEO: Container Gardening – Top Tips for Success

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Whether you’re planning to grow a small kitchen herb garden, or to produce enough food to feed your family, containers can add the flexibility which helps make your garden a success this year. Growing in containers is very popular, and the variety of containers available is constantly…

VIDEO: Square Foot Gardening (SFG): Growing More in Less Space

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. If you don’t have a lot of time available to weed, water and maintain your vegetable garden, then efficient gardening techniques such as Square Foot Gardening could be the answer. With simple and well-defined instructions, Square Foot Gardening is a great way to start growing your own…

VIDEO: How to Plan a Vegetable Garden: Design Your Best Garden Layout

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. A well planned vegetable garden is a productive vegetable garden. In this video we guide you through the process of producing the perfect design for your garden, including 5 key questions you should ask as you plan what you will grow. We start by demonstrating how to…