March 18, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Plants Time Lapse Compilation #5 – 520 Days In 8 Minutes

Music from Epidemic Sound: Probably – Hara Noda Can – Hara Noda Bess – Hara Noda Sign up for Epidemic sound 30 day free trial for copyright free music: Mars Hydro Grow Lights: Link to Mars Hydro website: Discount code: box Subscribe: Socials Instagram: Facebook: Twitter:

VIDEO: Grass Roots Growing Underground Time Lapse – 30 days

Only a 30 day video this week. And although grass is kinda boring the roots look cool 🙂 I get all my music from Epidemic Sound. If you need music for your projects you can sign up for a 30 day free trial through this link: Subscribe here: Consider following us on our…

VIDEO: Can you eat grass?

Earlier this year, we posted a video all about the worst weed we’ve encountered in our deep mulch garden: Quackgrass (AKA couch grass, twitch grass, witch grass, devil’s grass, etc.) In this video, we decided to test out it’s claimed edibility, and made some quackgrass rhizome tea. Original Quackgrass video:

VIDEO: Graziers Intensive I with Jim Elizondo

In the first part of this multipart series, regenerative ranching expert, Jim Elizondo talks about how to make maximum sustainable profit per acre while improving the land. This includes the whole environment of wildlife, microbes, insects and people. He guides participants in understanding how to determine the most animals they can sustain while managing costs.…

VIDEO: How to Plant a Fruit Tree – Essential Steps

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Whatever the size of your growing space, with a little planning and maintenance, you can grow beautiful, productive fruit trees in your garden. In this video we demonstrate essential early tasks when planting a fruit tree, which will greatly improve the long term health and fruit production…

VIDEO: Top Tips if your Garden is in a Drought We are having a drought and much of the grass has died so I thought I would make a video on how to protect and look after your vegetable patch with tips on what to do. Please like it helps a bunch! Subscribe to my Newsletter here:

VIDEO: Growing Lemongrass – Week 1

So been ages since I did my last video, and I brought a couple of sprigs of lemongrass and now sharing with you how to grow it, start off in water then after a couple of weeks transplant it, stay tuned for week 2 and more videos are on the way. Thanks and please check…

VIDEO: Update and Transplant of my Mint Cuttings

I hope you like my new intro. The cuttings did so well in the solution of water and a bit of rooting hormone. This is an update of the roots, which some of you might have seen on my Facebook page: They are really doing well and I will be using them as stock…

VIDEO: How to Propagate Grape Vines from semi-ripe cuttings

My video for the weekend, I will demonstrate the easy method of propagating Grape vines from semi-ripe cuttings, In the Summertime. They will start fruiting in about 3-4 years if pruned properly. You may want to use rooting hormone or honey to help rooting. Detailed information: Update: