March 20, 2025

VIDEO: Great Fruit & Veg For Summer in my Subtropical Garden

A walk around our subtropical garden showing some of the plants fruit trees and vegetables starring and great to grow at this time of year (the start of a subtropical summer). Blog: Forum: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

VIDEO: The Great Lemon Investigation 1 – Germination Rates

In the first lemon investigation video, I’ll be looking to see the average germination rate from 42 seeds. Then I’ll be looking on ways to improve this like the perfect depth, temperature and moisture levels and what they do and don’t like. Please share this video and like my facebook page: An update video…

VIDEO: Merry Christmas!

Just a quick note to say merry Christmas to everyone and a few shout-outs and also what causes the lack of videos! Check out these channels: PS: Stay tuned for a new interesting fruit, and the beginning of the great super hot chili growing!

VIDEO: The BEST Camera Tripod Trick (HD)

This is a great trick in this simple how-to video about panning around really smoothly with a simple household object but you have to watch the video to find out how! Please subscribe like and comment and check out my Channel for more videos and my Facebook Page: And these great Channels:…

VIDEO: Growing Lettuce From Seed

Everyone has their methods for growing lettuce, in this video, I illustrate how I’ve grown lettuce from seed and how and what works for me. Watch complete guide new version. Growing Lettuce Seeds and harvesting (New Version)👍

VIDEO: How to use Honey for Rooting Cuttings

Honey is a great substitute with rooting hormone gel or powder. Honey lasts for hundreds o years and you barley need any for each cutting. In this video I demonstrate the method of using honey for rooting cuttings. Why should you sue honey? Well what it does is create a protective barrier around the cutting…