March 18, 2025

VIDEO: Summer Garden Tour 2022

Come along with me on a tour of my garden as I return after three week away fighting wild fires here in Northern California. I’ll show you my tomato garden, a few of the trees in my orchard, my blueberry collection, and some unique tropicals and subtropicals that I’ve been collecting for an upcoming project.…

VIDEO: Grow Perfect Zucchini Every Time! 💚

Want to put the ZOOSH in your zucchini? Put some COOOR in your courgettes? Well there are a few tricks of the trade you need to know first. Luckily, Ben, your friendly backyard gardener is here to the rescue with his top tips for growing Perfect Zukes every time! 💚 You’ll need good quality soil…

VIDEO: If I Could Only Grow 10 Crops, I'd Choose These…

Stores running out of food, prices soaring…gardening can come to the rescue! Take charge of your food security and grow your own delicious veggies! But how do you know what to choose? Here are Ben’s Top 10 inflation-beating crops. It’s the final countdown! Binge watch these videos! Swat up and get more bang for your…

VIDEO: Dirt CHEAP Tricks for an Abundant Garden 💰

Don’t let inflation give you nightmares. Take charge: Keep calm and carry on gardening! If only we had a magic wand that could magically make groceries cheaper! Well, we have the next best thing – Ben’s top money saving tips for an abundant garden! With over 20 tried and tested inflation-busting tips and tricks, you…

VIDEO: Budget Busting Plants💰More Food For Free! 🌱

Beat inflation! Go forth and multiply! The cost of living may have gone up, from rocketing fuel prices to inflated food prices, but don’t worry! This video is going to empower you to maximise the yields of your crops through the wonderful propagation technique of division. Yes, you can get more food for free! Swat…

VIDEO: New Vegetable Garden: How To Get Started

It’s time to get GROWING! But where do you even start?! Whether you’re a seasoned gardener wanting to expand your growing area or a starting your very first vegetable garden, Ben has some top tips up his green sleeves for you that will help you get the most out of your budget and your space.…

VIDEO: Seed To Beetroot Time Lapse – 66 Days

Forgot to water it at the end, that’s why it started looking a bit sad 🙂 Music from Epidemic Sound: A Slow Sense – Lucention Affiliate links: Epidemic sound 30 day free trial: Mars Hydro Growlights (Discount code: box) : Subscribe: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter:

VIDEO: Growing Christmas Amaryllis Time Lapse – Bulb to Flower in 26 Days

I thought i messed up some shots during this one but it turned out great! Music from Epidemic Sound: A Winter to Remember – Trevor Kowalski Affiliate links: Epidemic sound 30 day free trial: Mars Hydro Growlights (Discount code: box) : Subscribe: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter:

VIDEO: How to Grow Garlic ANYWHERE!

In this video I’ll explain what to look for when sourcing your seed garlic, then I’ll take you to my original urban farmstead where I’ll walk you through the most important considerations for planting location, soil preparation, planting, maintenance and more. I’ll share my tried and true process as well as some tips and information…

VIDEO: Growing Catnip Time Lapse – Seed To Flower In 56 Days

I have never grown catnip before and I really like how this one turned out. Music from Epidemic sound: Elegance Becomes Her – Howard Harper-Barnes Mars Hydro Grow Lights: Link to Mars Hydro website: Discount code: box Subscribe: Socials Instagram: Facebook: Twitter:

VIDEO: Growing Mushrooms Time Lapse Compilation

All mushroom growkits are from The mushrooms are all edible and the kits can give multiple harvests as long as they are taken care of. I compiled all the unreleased and released mushroom footage i had into one mushroom madness video. Some of the closeups look really cool! Music from epidemic sound: The Flamingoes…