VIDEO: How to Build a HINGED HOOPHOUSE for a Raised Bed Garden
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Today I want to show you how to easily build a hinged hoophouse for a steel raised bed garden, or any raised bed. With a hinged hoophouse like this you can extend your growing season and eat fresh veggies all year long! Amazon affiliate link: Birdies Raised Bed: Use Coupon Code TUCK, 6…
Today I want to show you how to easily build a hinged hoophouse for a raised bed garden so you can be eating fresh veggies all year long. Thanks for the kind words and support Part 2 Adding Second Layer: SUPPORT ME AND TUCK →Amazon affiliate link: →Merchandise: Materials: 6 Mil…
Rain this year is coming way too often. A few days of sunshine then a week of rain and low temps. Showing a few projects as well.
A tour of our recently completed greenhouse. We built it for 800 dollars, using simple materials and chainlink fencing supplies. It has roll up sides to allow air flow and keep it from over heating in the summer, automatic windows to open in the morning, and drip irrigation to automate the watering. It was simple…
The weather has not cooperated this year. Not really a surprise. The grow room has had disasters and successes. It has only served to convince me that I must concentrate on developing a small greenhouse for propagation purposes.
Getting a bit of an early start this year. Had hoped to get Eggplant/aubergine but am out of seeds. Must order. Have many new ideas this year to try out.
Trellis is installed and a quick look around. Talking a bit about my priority of work this summer and fall. 1. Get existing beds planted and improved to a point that is satisfactory for the next two years. 2. Divide the property into sections, determine what improvements or builds will be done and do them.…
Short addendum to my earlier video on seed saving. This time reasons for saving seed. I did not address political and corporate reasons but I have addressed those many times in the past and probably will again in the future.
Quick look at how I decided to build a short wall for a terraced bed and a look around at the springtime property for those who have been asking about it. The Wall is not yet complete as I made some last minute changes in the design I wanted and ran out of materials. There…
Harvesting worm compost and starting a new bin with Horse manure.
Starting the 2014 season. Here I am showing the growth of the Yacon over the past week and what appears to be positive results of my attempt to root some wild rose cuttings. I’ve started some onion seed and made an indoor seed starting station. Still needs a bit of work. Link to Thumperlane Homestead’s…