March 18, 2025

VIDEO: Harvest and Preservation of Garlic Scape [Making Garlic Powder]

#AcreHomestead #GarlicScapes #GarlicPowder #OrganicGarden #GrowingGarlic Instagram @Acre Homestead I’m always trying to increase my harvest by using all parts of the plant. In today’s video, I talk about what a garlic scape is, how to harvest garlic scapes, and how to turn them into garlic scape powder! Recipe for Strawberry Peach Baked Oat Meal…

VIDEO: How to Harvest Garlic Scapes

Our garlic scapes are ready, so let us quickly share with you how to harvest garlic scapes, and the reasons that we love them so much. Quick tips! __ Check out out new channel: __ Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference…