January 10, 2025

VIDEO: Spring Wild Foods Walk with Pat Battle

Take a walk through the greenhouses and gardens of the Mills River Educational Farm with Pat Battle as he identifies and teaches us about the plethora of spring wild foods that emerge in the warmer months here in western North Carolina. Take your plant awareness to another level of understanding by engaging in the adventure…

VIDEO: Blight & Other Tomato Terrors with Pat Battle

Over the years, tomato diseases like blight arrive earlier and earlier in the growing season. Learn to navigate the challenges, like cool nights and other conditions, with Pat Battle as he teaches us his tried and true methods that he continues to evolve each season. Discover ways to curb your tomato plants’ susceptibility to disease…

VIDEO: Transplant Production with Pat Battle

Pat Battle teaches this intensive workshop to help you learn effective techniques for transplant production. Enjoy greater success from the time you start seedlings to when you get them in the ground as healthy and thriving plants. Help your transplants be as vibrantly healthy as possible for steady production and maximum yields.

VIDEO: Biomass Cookstoves

Join Dan Hettinger and the team at the Grandview Living Web Farm biochar facility as they explore the differences in DIY biomass cookstoves. See the different uses, feedstock recommendations and get tips on burning most efficiently to meet your desired outcomes.

VIDEO: Chip Bud Grafting with Bob Andersen

Professor Emeritus of Cornell University, fruit tree expert and pomologist, Bob Andersen gives us his seasoned instruction on effective chip bud grafting of fruit trees. Learn how to chip bud graft for maximum vitality and success. Gain insight on orcharding and pro grafting tips from his many years of experience.

VIDEO: Grafting Fruit Trees with Bob Andersen

Bob Andersen imparts his wisdom and wealth of knowledge on grafting fruit trees. As a professional pomologist, vegetable breeder and long time fruit tree expert with Cornell and other universities, Bob has a multidimensional range of knowledge that will inspire anyone interested in kindling their passion for fruit trees and orcharding.

VIDEO: Season Extension UNCUT

Pat Battle shares was to extend your growing season with ingenuitive methods that will keep you eating fresh produce right through winter and into spring. Get tips that Pat has honed through years of winter gardening and season extension variations. Learn about what to use, when to use it and what to plant that will…

VIDEO: Brassica Production with Pat Battle

COMPLETE UNCUT FOOTAGE The wide array of delicious vegetables that are part of the brassica family are among the finest foods to grow and eat to sustain a healthy diet year round. Pat Battle offers experience based insights and expert advice on successful brassica production in the garden, hoop house and green house. Find out…

VIDEO: Ferment Everything!

Catch the excitement of making fermented foods at home. Learn the basic processes that will help you find creative ways to ferment many different things. Boost your gut health and add tantalizing flavors to your everyday dishes by pairing them with ferments of all kinds. Meredith Leigh and Pat Battle give us insights and ideas…